Development of Evaluation of Higher Order Thingking Skill (HOTS) Based Computer Network Learning Evaluation at SMK N 8 Padang.


  • Randi Rahmad
  • Karmila Suryani
  • Rini Widyastuti


The results of observations made at SMK N 8 Padang, on basic network and computer subjects obtain information that when evaluating students still use written examinations and the questions from the evaluation are not host-based. The purpose of this study is to produce a computerized learning evaluation application and a basic network based on higher order thingking skills (HOTS) that are valid, practical at SMK N 8 Padang. The research method used is the research and development method (Research and Development) or R&D. Potential and Problems, Gathering Information, Module Composition Design, Product Validation, Product Testing. Based on the results of the validation after making product revisions from material experts and product experts, an average of 89% is obtained (very good), and based on product trials in class X SMK N 8 Padang, the average practicality is 85%.

Keywords: Basic Network and Computer Evaluation, R&D Model, SMK N 8 Padang



