Development of Project Based Learning Database Oriented Modules in Class XI of Software Engineering at SMK Negeri 3 Pariaman
The research aims to produce a valid and practical Project Based Learning module oriented database for database subjects majoring in Software Engineering, SMK Negeri 3 Pariaman. The research method used in developing this module is the Reserch and Development (R&D) method. The development of the database module oriented project based learning (PjBL) has been valid, and to find out the practicality of this module a practicality test was conducted. To get the data, the researchers conducted a questionnaire to the students, then the data was processed to find out whether this module was practically used in the learning process. Through development research using this module, it is validated by 2 validators, namely one material expert validator and one module validator expert. The results of this validation indicate that the module is valid with an average value by the material expert validator is 76.94% with good criteria, and the average value by the module expert validator is 90.40% with very good criteria. Then the module practicality test was performed with an average value of 87.50% with good criteria, and can be utilized in Database subjects at the Department of Software Engineering at SMK Negeri 3 Pariaman.
Keywords: Project Based Learning , Metode Reserch and Development (R&D)