Development of Al-Qur'an Learning Multimedia Digital for Islamic Boarding School Students Prof.Dr.hamka
The results of observations made at the Islamic Boarding School Prof. Dr. Hamka, in Tahfidz subjects obtained information that in general the learning of memorization does not have a digital media that attracts students' interest in memorizing the Qur'an. This research uses an R&D method which has steps from recognizing potentials and problems, data collection, product design, design validation, design revisions and product trials. This type of research is development research using the R&D model, with the steps of gathering potential and existing problems in the field, gathering information, product design by first creating story boards. After the product is designed, then the product is validated. This product was validated by 2 experts with% results. After validation, a trial was carried out using a practicality questionnaire for Class IX B students of the Islamic Boarding School Prof. Dr. Hamka with a yield of 90.97%.
Keywords: Digital Al-Qur'an Learning, Tahfidz Material, Prof.dr.Hamka Islamic Boarding School