Development of Digital Animation Modules Using Adobe Flash and KvisoftFlipbook Maker in Computer Basic Needs Subjects


  • Septiano Putra Pratama
  • Eril Syahmaidi
  • Riska Amelia


This study aims to produce an animated digital module using Adobe Flash and Kvisoft Flipbook Maker that is valid and practical on the subject of computer basic networks in SMK N 8 Padang. This type of research development using Research and Development (R&D). This media development procedure begins with gathering information with the steps of gathering potential and existing problems in the field, product design and design. The product feasibility testing phase is carried out with product validation by two expert experts. Data is collected by practicality test. The results showed that the product was declared valid with an average of 92%, practically 84%. This research can be concluded that a digital animation module has been produced using Adobe Flash CS6 and Kvisoft Flipbook Maker which is valid and practical so that it can help students in understanding basic computer network learning materials,

Keywords: Digital Module, Animation, Network.


