The Effect of Index Card Match Learning Model on Social Studies Learning Outcomes of Class III Students at SDN 27 Sungai Sapih, Kuranji District
Social Sciences (IPS) are subjects in schools that have educational materials in the form of science and character that are based on equipping students. In general, teachers only use conventional learning such as lectures and teachers do not use learning media, so there are some students who pay less attention. In connection with the aforementioned problems, the solution given is to use the Index Card Match learning model in social studies learning of students in class III SD Negeri 27 Sungai Sapih Padang. Based on this, the researcher is interested in conducting an experimental study with the title "The Effect of the Index Card Match Learning Model on Social Studies Learning Outcomes of Class III Students at SDN 27 Sungai Sapih, Kuranji Padang District".
This type of research is experimental research with “Posttest-only control design”. The independent variables in this study are the Index Card Match learning model and the conventional learning model, while the dependent variable is the students' social studies learning outcomes. The population in this study were all students of class III SDN 27 Sungai Sapih Padang in the 2018/2019 school year consisting of 2 classes. The sample in this study was class III.A as many as 24 students and III.B as many as 25 students. The technique in sampling is by Random Sampling. The data taken in this study are the cognitive learning outcomes of students in the cognitive domain obtained through the final test in an objective form.
The results showed the average value of the experimental class was higher than the control class (the experimental class average value of 79,84 and the control class average value of 70,2). In statistical tests the price of t-count> t-table (2,39> 2,013) with a level (α = 0.05) then the hypothesis H1 is accepted.
From these data it can be concluded that the Index Card Match learning model influences the learning outcomes of Social Studies in class III SDN 27 Sungai Sapih, Kuranji District, Padang. Thus the Index Card Match learning model is expected to be applied to social studies subjects.
Keywords:index card match, Social Studies learning outcomes