Political Participation Of Voters In Elections Of The Mayor Of Padang 2018. Essay Civic Education


  • Ade Miranti Azhari
  • . Pebriyenni
  • . Yusrizal


This study aims to describe political participation and the factors influencing the political participation of novice voters in the Padang Mayor Election in 2018. This research was conducted to describe the political participation of novice voters in the Padang Mayor Election. Therefore, to describe the political participation of novice voter researchers spread a quetionnaire to 138 respondents. According to Ramlan, 1992; Ramli, (2010) Political participation can be interpreted as the participation of ordinary citizens in determining all decisions concering or affecting his life.

This type of research is descriptive with research locations in the Kelurahan Pasar Ambacang. The population in this study amounted to 1.377 novice voters and a sample of 138 respondents with a sampling technique using simple random sampling. Data was collected using questionnaire, interviews and documentation, intruments and analyzed using triangulation.


The results of the study of political participation in voting as much as 100%, political discussion 54,58%, of campaign activities 16,67%, form and join 0,24% interest groups and individual communication with political and administrative officials 5,31%. Novice voters at the time of voting use their voting right well. Factors influencing the political participation of novice voters are the curiosity of policies promised by the vision and mission of the candidate pair of mayors and the political awareness of the novice voter of the obligations as Indonesian citizens. It can be concluded from the results of the study of political participation of novice voters 35,36% included in the less category.

Keywords: Political Participation, Novice Voters, The Election Of The Mayor 




