Effectiveness of Development Planning Conference in the Arrangement of Koto Dua Village, Pesisir Bukit District


  • Reza Novarman
  • . Yusrizal
  • . Muslim


This research aimed to determine how the Effectiveness of Development Planning Deliberation in the Arrangement of the Koto Dua Village. This research was carried out because there was still a lack of community participation in the Musrenbangdes and to find out development that was financed through self-funding, Village Fund Allocation and Regional Budget. Therefore, it is necessary to have Village activities that prioritize community problems. According to Rianingsih (2008: 5), the objective of the Village Musrenbang is to agree on the priority needs / problems and activities of the Village which will be the material for the preparation of the Village Development Work Plan by selecting the priority activities of the Village activities funded through the Village / Community Self-funding funds, the priority of Village activities financed through Village Fund Allocation (ADD) and priority Village activities financed through the Regency / City APBD.

This type of research uses descriptive, which is conducted to determine the value of independent variables, either one or more variables (independent) without making comparisons or connecting with other variables. Data collection techniques in the form of a questionnaire to be given to active people, interviews with the Village Government to dig up information, documentation.

The results of the Musrenbang Effectiveness research show that development has been carried out well as measured through Village activities and financed through village / community self-help funds, the activities of the Joint Business Tailor Group. Village activities financed through Village Fund Allocation (ADD), construction of 500 meter wide 2 meter long trails, repair of 100 meter wide 2 meter wide roads and paud buildings, Village activities financed through the APBD, construction of a 500 meter long trench 1 and a half meters wide. Questionnaire sheet with active community parties, a total of 60 respondents from the results of the study showed that the level of community participation was relatively low with a percentage of 10.83% participating in the Musrenbang.

Keywords: Effectiveness, Musrenbag, Village Arrangement



