the Level Of Political Participation Of Female Voters In The 2019 General Election In The District Of Linggo Sari Baganti


  • Ulva Wetri
  • . Pebriyenni
  • . Yusrizal


This study aims to describe the level of political participation of female voters in the 2019 general election. This study descriptif  the participation of female in general elections. Therefore, to find out the level of political participation of women voters the researchers distributed questionnaires 90 respondents. According to Malihah (2011) Women's Participation is the participation of women as part of the community to play a role in practical political activities as well as in development activities or political implementation in a broad sense.

This type of research is descriptive with the location od the study in the Punggasan district of Linggo Sari Baganti. The population in this study amounted to 900 female voters and a sample of 90 respondents the sampling technique uses simple random sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire instrument and documentatio, data were analyzed using triangulasi.

The results of the study at  total apathy level 1,1% , 56,76% participated in the voting, 51,65% participated in imformal political discussions of general interest in politics, 37,5% of female voters actively participated in public meetings and demonstrations, 15,56% actively participated in the passive membership of a plitical organization, 14% participated in the actuve membership of a quasi po;itical organization, and 1,1% of female voters become member passive membership of a political organization and there are no active female voters in active membership in apolitical organization, seeking politica; or administrative positions and accupy political or administrative. It can be concluded that the level of political participation of female voters in district Linggo Sari Baganti is 25,11% in the low category. And it is suggested to female voters to be more active in political organizations.

Keywords: Level Of Participation, Female Voters, Governor Election


