
  • Indah Rahma Suci
  • Marsis .
  • Ineng Naini


The persuasion of discourse is the discourse that aims to influence the partners said action to perform as expected of speakers. To influence, usually used all sorts of efforts that allow partners said affected. The use of persuasion in advertising discourse aims to urge people to use products that are promoted by using the language of interest. A variety of ads aired on television, one of the most frequently aired ads is ads cosmetic products..Persuasion is a psychological activity in an attempt to influence the opinions, attitudes, and behavior of a person or people in order to argue, behaved, and behave as expected (Astuti, 2017). There is some persuasion in communications theory is used as a basis in the implementation of activities that could be developed into some of the methods, namely methods of associations, icing methods, pay-offs and fear-arousing methods, and methods of integration, (Kafie, 1993). This study aims to describe the methods of persuasion used in the advertising of cosmetic products in television media

This type of research is a qualitative description. The data in this study are the words used in advertisements, and the data source is the advertisement of cosmetic products on RCTI. The technique of data collection is carried out by means of: (a) downloading ad impressions through YouTube, (b) listening impressions, and (c) transcribing of data that was originally made as an oral text. Technique of data analysis is carried out by means of: (a) collect data that have been found, (b) classify the advertising data that has been collected, (c) outline the data that have been classified, and (d) the summing up of the results of the overall data analysis based on the results of the analysis.

Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, it was discovered that the real meaning of the discourse of four methods of persuasion namely: (a) methods of the association, as many as 4 data, "heat, dust, pollution only face", (b) the method of icing, as many as 6 data "Viva White Clean & mask for tropical skin (c) the method of payo-ffs and fear-arousing, as many as 25 data "you know every day there are 10 layers that stack up to ten layers. More than just foam, new light complete super foam with an ecstark Moriga, clean thoroughly up to ten layers of makeup and dirt, and (d) integration method, as much as 1 data "How yes, if we can see dead skin cells" Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the most frequently used method is the method of payo-ffs and fear-arousing, while the least used is the method of integration. The use of the method of payo-ffs and fear-arousing with describing things that are encouraging to would-be consumers when using these products, but also not uncommon someone perform actions frighten consumers in advance with the atmosphere of the skin problems that often are found in society at the time. So in a way that consumers feel are interested in buying and using products that are promoted. Previously, there have been several researchers who analyze persuasion of discourse, that is. Zuniar Kamaluddin, Nimas Permata Putri, and Aristya Ferry (2016), Sri Puji Astuti (2017), and Rini Darmayanti (2016). The equation of this research is both have the same goal that is influencing society to use product/service promoted.

Advice wanted to deliver another researcher is a researcher for the research should be able to be used as a reference as well as a comparison to conduct research next containing objects with the persuasion of discourse are different.


Astuti, Puji Sri. 2017. “Persuasion in Advertising Discourse”. Journal Pena. February. Vol 12, No. 1, hlm. 38.

Kafie, Jamaluddin. (1993) “The Psychology of Da'wah.” Surabaya: Indah


