All forms of criminality lately are often used as talk material, both in print and visual media. the news about murder, robbery, ill-treatment, rape, dealer and or drug use, even online prostitution, is a form of social change that causes social problems. Symptoms of criminality generally occur in the community who experience a crisis as a result of a process of significant change, both in terms of social, economic, political, and cultural. These condition can affect the position, structure, function, and ties of social relations that cause a crisis situation, tension, and anxiety for the community environment. Stories of social life, especially criminality in real life are often heard and look more frightening when an author explained it through writing with the choice of vocabulary. The author, as part of the community, also accidentally feels social problems that occur in the midst of community life, and with his writing skills the author can translate social conflicts that occur according to his views. The author creates literary works as entertainment as well as learning objects for readers. In literary works, the stories of community life are more dominantly told and depicted in prose of one of them, the novel contained in Alisya's novel by Muhammad Makhdlori. This study aims to describe aspects of crime in the form of crime and the driving factors for crime in Alisya's novel by Muhammad Makhdlori. This study aims to describe aspects of criminality in the form of criminality and the driving factors for criminality in Alisya's novel by Muhammad Makhdlori.
Before this research was conducted, there were already several other researchers who examined aspects of criminality in literary works, including Despiulandari (2017), and Suwarsih (2009). The theory about the types and factors driving criminality was proposed by Kartini Kartono (2015), namely by economic factors, social factors, and environmental factors, crime category based on the Criminal Code proposed by Soenarto Soerodibroto (2006), which divides into thirteen forms of crime, which are used for this study, namely as many as six forms of crime, namely sexual crime, persecution, premeditated murder, defamation, drug abuse and coercion, and theories about the novel and its elements put forward by Atmazaki (2007) which divides literary works into intrinsic elements in the form of themes, figures, backgrounds, and pathways, and extrinsic elements, such as community background, author background, and community values.
This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive methods. The data source of this research is Alisya's novel by Muhammad Makhdlori, and the data is in the form of dialogue between figures and author's explanation related to criminality acts. The research instrument is the researcher himself. Data collection techniques that is read, note, and conclude. Data analysis techniques are (1) classifying data in accordance with the sociology of literary works that relate to the forms and factors driving criminality, (2) analyzing data in the form of dialogue that illustrates the forms and factors driving criminality, and (3) make conclusions from data analysis.
Based on data analysis found the following things. The first form of crime contained in Alisya's novel by Muhammad Mahkhdlori there are six forms of crime, namely (1) sexual violations, committed by Alisya, Sandy, and Hendrik. The proof of his quote is "Initially, Hendrik who dragged Alisya into the forum for smooth prostitution model. Apart from Hendrik, Alisya entered Sandy's den, the owner of a model agency that was not much different from the den of prostitution models. " (2) coercion, which was carried out by Sandy to Alisya and Mamat. The proof of the quotation is "However, alas, Alisya, who is now in Sandy's grasp, cannot be dodged at the moment when Sandy who suddenly stands on the podium, puts up a tender for Alisya." (3) the persecution, which was carried out by Sandy to Alisya. The proof of his quotation is "In fact, they died, were tortured very tragic and tragic first." (4) premeditated murder committed by Sandy to Alisya. The proof of the quote is, "They will be killed by poisonous injection." (5) defamation, which was done by Sandy for Alisya and Mamat. The proof of the quote is "What a cruel act Sandy. He who has damaged the honor of Alisya, is now spreading slander. " and (6) drug abuse, which was done by Sandy to the model that she worked with. The proof of the quote is "With one condition, you want to be forced into cocaine to stay slim." Second, the factors that encourage figures to commit criminal acts are caused by three aspects, namely (1) economic pressure factors, (2) environmental influence factors, and (3) social factors. The dominant crime committed is the act of persecution. Factors that influence the occurrence of predominant crime are influenced by social factors.
After conducting research, it can be understood that an act of criminality can be committed by someone due to the encouragement and coercion of certain conditions, among them (1) economic pressure, (2) high sense of competition, (3) high lifestyle, and (4) social influences. If it is associated with a real incident, the criminal acts described by the author can be followed up based on the provisions or rules made by a country, like the law or the Criminal Code. The action can be punished if it is proven that the action has violated the specified rules. Suggestions to be conveyed by researchers are as follows, (1) for teachers, especially teachers in the field of Indonesian Language studies, as teaching material in the appreciation of Indonesian literature, especially in novels, (2) students, as reading material to add insight in appreciating Indonesian literature, especially in novels, (3) other researchers, should be used as a reference for further research with a different scope of studies such as literature psychology literature .
Atmazaki. 2007. Ilmu Sastra Teori dan Terapan. Padang: UNP Press.
Kartono, Kartini. 2015. Patologi Sosial. Bandung: PT RajaGrafindo Persada.
Soerodibroto, Soenarto. 2006. KUHP dan KUHAP. Jakarta: RajaGrafindo Persada.