ndonesian is the language of the country, it is stated in the 1945 Constitution Article 36 explains that the state language is Indonesian, and Law No. 24 of 2009 Article 39 (1) the Indonesian language must be used in information through the mass media. (2) The mass media as referred to in paragraph (1) may use regional languages or foreign languages that have special goals or special targets. Furthermore, in the Decree of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 50 of 2015 concerning General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling Article 1 states (1) General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling used for government agencies, the private sector, and the public in using Indonesian properly and correctly.
Alay language is one of the languages used by the community, but its use is not under the provisions of the law and regulations. Alay language appears for the first time since there is an SMS (Short Message Service) program or short messages from operator services that charge character rates that serve to save costs. Alay language can also be interpreted as a temporary variation of language, usually in the form of abbreviations combining letters with numbers, extending or shortening and mixing upper and lowercase letters that will form a word or sentence, used in writing in chats written on social media that are entertaining, establish intimacy or to break the ice because the use of Alay language will foster familiarity in communication. According to Saleh (2014) alay is a phenomenon experienced by adolescents who want their status recognized by their friends by changing their writing style and clothing style. This can be considered to increase the existence of these teenagers. Alay language is a password language that only applies to users of Alay language. This language first appeared since the SMS (Short Message Service) program.
Meanwhile, according to Hermaji (2014) Alay language is a language phenomenon that is very interesting to study because it has its characteristics that are different from the language in general. According to Hermaji (2014) the characteristics of the Alay language can be divided into four levels from the lowest level to the highest level. The following are the characteristics of Alay language, namely: (1) Alay language is very low-level; (2) low-level alay language; (3) medium-level alay language; (4) high-level Alay language. That way, the use of the Indonesian language will fade which, as the Indonesian language, is the language of the unity of the Republic of Indonesia and becomes a national identity.
This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. According to Sugiyono (2006) qualitative research methods are research methods based on the philosophy of postpositivism, used to examine natural conditions of objects, (as opposed to experiments) where researchers are as key instruments, data collection techniques are carried out by triangulation (combined). Data analysis is inductive/qualitative, and qualitative research results emphasize more meaning than generalization. The data source in this study is the researcher's own Facebook account which contains the status of the Alay language written by friends who joined the Facebook researchers. The data collected in the study, namely, the use of Alay language on Facebook social media status within a period of 4 months, counting from January to April with a total of 28 status and the results of the collection of status found 74 data. The research instrument is the handphone. Data is collected by screenshots status on facebook. Testing the validity of the data is the perseverance of observation and triangulation. Data were analyzed based on data collection based on the characteristics of Alay language, interpreting data based on theory, and concluding the results of research based on the results of the analysis of the use of Alay language in adolescent status on Facebook social media. The purpose of this study is to describe the use of Alay language on Facebook's social media status.
Based on the analysis of the data found the use of alay language, the most widely used alay language is alay language, low-level alay language and high-level alay language compared to medium level alay language. Alay language has very low level 23 data found, meaning that there are abbreviations of words, use of additional symbols and the use of the letter "z" behind the word, low level alay language found 34 data, meaning that there is a use of pauses and substitution of words, language alay level 1 data is being found, meaning that there are 16 uses of data designation and high-level alay language found, meaning that it is found in writing upper and lower case letters or numbers and the use of styles (emoticons). Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the use of Alay language on Facebook social media is classified as not good because using the Alay language can cause damage to the Indonesian language rules that are good and right.
Furthermore, based on the results of the study it is suggested (1) for social media users to be able to understand the use of language that is good and right, and to apply the use of correct language in making status on Facebook social media; (2) educators can direct and provide good examples for social media users to prioritize the use of good and correct language when communicating through social media; (3) further researchers, can conduct research by looking at different aspects..
Saleh, R. 2014. “Gangguan Bahasa Alay di Facebook Terhadap Komunikasi Alay Language Interference to Communication on Facebook”. Jurnal IPTEK-KOM. Juni, Vol. 16, No. 1, Hlm 2.
Hermaji, Bowo. 2014. “Penggunaan Bahasa Alay Pada SMS di Kalangan Remaja”. Jurnal Cakrawala. Mei, Vol. 8, Hlm 2.
Sugiyono. 2006. Metode Penelitian kuantitatif kualitatif dan R&D. Bandung: Penerbit Alfabeta.