Language is a sound system. Language is used by humans to communicate in this world both in writing and speacking. Language in the midst of society is very diverse, from diversity of languages that exist in the midst of society, then problems arise interacting between each other, such as the use of two languages. The Indonesian people in general not only use bahasa Indonesia, but also use local languages. In addition to use bahasa Indonesi as a formal language, the community also uses regional languages such as non-formal language. Code mixing is the use of two or more languages by incorporating elements into one another. Code mixing will often occur in the community also in the school environment. SMAN 1 Sitiung is one of the High Schools in Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatra Province. This school is located in the middle of a community settlement. Not all of the people in the Dharmasraya Regency are not Minangese, but there are also Javanese. In the Dharmasraya Regency, a mixture of culture and language is strongly felt. Minangese people and Javanese interact using bahasa Indonesia, but do not forget their respective regional languages, so it is not uncommon to mix codes. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of code mixing and the causes of code mixing in the speech between teachers and students.
The mixed code form theory is put forward by Nursaid and Maksan 2002: 122 mixed code forms in the form of words, in the form of phrases, in the form of baster forms, in the form of word repetitions, in the form of expressions or idioms, in the form of clauses. Whereas the theory used for the cause of the cododic mix is proposed by Sugito (in Rokhman) 2013: 38 arguing that the cause of the code mix was (a) identification of roles, (b) identification of variance and (c) desire to explain and interpret. In this case, theren are interdependent and often overlap. Measures for role identification are social, registration and educational. Variety identification is determined by language in which a speaker interferes in a code that will place him in the hierarchy of his social status. The desire to explain and interpret, appears due to mixed code also marks the attitude and relationship to others and the attitudes and relationships of others towards it. Previously, there are several researchers who analyzed mixed codes, namely Harif Triyatama (2015) and Almina (2015).
This type of research is qualitative research. The population of this study is the process of learning Indonesian at SMAN 1 Sitiung, Dharmasraya Regency. The data in this study are the speech acts of teachers and students in the bahasa Indonesia subject learning process. This research is focused on the problem of code mixing which includes the form and causes of code mixing in the Indonesian language learning process. The instrument of this study was the study itself assisted by a recording device (cell phone) that was used to record the speech of teachers and students in the Indonesian learning process. The steps in collecting research data are (1) listening and recording teacher and student speech using a recording device (cell phone), (2) transcribing data that has been recorded in written form, (3) grouping teacher and student speech have mixed code and (4) entered data into a table. Data analysis techniques used are, (1) moving records into writing, (2) grouping data, (3) entering data into code mixing tables, (4) analyze the mixed code in the speech of teachers and students with the theory of the form and causes of mixed code, (5) concludes the analysis of the data obtained and (6) interprets the results and compiles a report. This study aims to describe the code mix based on: (1) To describe the form of code mixing in the speech of teachers and students in the Indonesian learning process at SMAN 1 Sitiung, Dharmasraya Regency. (2) To describe the causes of code mixing in the speech of teachers and students in the Indonesian language learning process.
Based on the data analysis the rescarcher found the following things. First, the form of code mixing contained in the speech of teachers and students in the Indonesian learning process there were three forms of code mixing namely (1) the form of words, where the teacher and students used one different word in a sentence of 66 data (2) the form of phrases in where the teacher and students used two or more different words in the sentence as many as 9 data and (3) clause form where the teacher and students used several words that have the potential to be different sentences in speech as much as 3 data. Second, the causes of code mixing were (1 ) identification of roles, identification of techer’s role as a teacher who masters the material, advises or reprimands students and controls the class of 9 data. (2) identification of variance, which was done by teachers and students to show social status as much as 52 data. and (3) The desire to explain what teachers and students do in the learning process to make it easier to explain what is meant by 17 data.
After doing research, it could be understood that the form of mixed code in the form of words is the insertion of a different word in the sentence. The form of phrases is the insertion of two or more different words in sentences and the form of clauses is the insertion of several words that have the potential to be sentences. The cause of the code mixing, the teacher wants to dilute the atmosphere, the limitations of mastering Indonesian language so that using local languages, teachers and students feel more free to interpret their thoughts and feelings through the use of local languages. The researcher suggests the teacher to use bahasa Indonesia more fluently, (1) teachers in order to be able to use Indonesian (2) the students are suggested to pay more attention to the context of the conversation (3) and the next researcher is suggested to conduct other research related to other aspeofs of this researc.
Nursaid dan Marjusman Maksan. 2002. Sosiolinguistik (Buku Ajar). Padang: Fakultas Bahasa Sastra dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Padang.
Rohman, Fatur. 2013. Sosiolinguistik (Suatu Pendekatan Pembelajaran Bahasa dalam Masyarakat Multikultural). Yogyakarta: Graha Ilmu