The politeness of language is one of the aspects of language that is reflected in communication procedures, because the politeness of language is part of the cultural norms of speech communities in bringing their linguistic behavior into their daily environment. Therefore, the culture of an area can be seen from the language that people use in using polite language. The politeness of the Minangkabau language in the speech acts of children towards older people in the Kenagarian of Tanjung Betung south Rao subdistrict Pasaman regency needs to be investigated because when viewed from heterogeneous community life, both in terms of economy, livelihood, and education level. Research on politeness in language has been done by previous researchers, Ayu Wahyuni (2014), Cecep Kurniawan (2014) Tuti Desmita (2014), but the object is different from this study. This study aims to describe the speech strategy and context of speech situations that children use in Minangkabau politeness in respect of older people.
Talking strategies according to Brown and Levinson (in Syahrul 2008) there are five types, namely: (1) speaking frankly without further ado, (2) speaking with positive politeness, (3) speaking with negative politeness. , (4) speak vaguely, and (5) speak slowly or slowly. According to Imam Syafi'ie (in Mulyana, 2005) said that if examined closely, the context that occurs in a conversation can be divided into four types, namely: (1) linguistic context (linguistic context), the sentences in the conversation , (2) epistemic context (epistemic context), is the background knowledge that is equally known by participants, (3) physical context (physical context), including the place where the conversation, the object presented in the conversation, and the actions of the participants, and (5) social context (social context), namely socio-cultural relations that complement the relationship between actors or participants in the conversation.
This type of research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. This research data in the form of speech acts of children towards older people in aspects of spoken strategies. The research instrument was the researcher himself in analyzing the politeness of the Minangkabau language towards older people. Then, researchers are assisted with stationery and recording devices, such as mobile phones. Data collection techniques, namely (1) researchers made observations to look for informants in the Kenagarian of Tanjung Betung south Rao subdistrict Pasaman regency; (2) The researcher records the words or speech of the informant using a recording device or mobile phone; (3) The researcher transcribes the recorded data in the form of written data. The technique of testing the validity of the research data is done by triangulation techniques. Data analysis techniques, namely (1) Describe the recorded data into text; (2) analyzing speech strategies; (3) analyzing the context of the speech situation; (4) interpret the results of data analysis; (5) summarizing the results of data interpretation.
Based on research data obtained through recording when speech acts occur between children and older people, researchers found 181 data of the speech strategies used by children in politeness in Minangkabau language toward older people, namely as much as 23 data spoken openly without further ado , found speech using identity markers as members of the same group as many as 22 data, speech provides agreement as much as 10 data, speech gives reasons as much as 84 data, speech promises as much as 5 data, humorous speech as much as 3 data, fence-speech as much as 2 data, speech requests in the form of questions as much as 1 data, indirect speech as much as 31 data.
In the Minangkabau tradition, the speech strategy used in acting with older people uses the kato mandaki, a way to recite words to those who are older or older. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the speech occurs between children and older people there is some impoliteness dialogue. The speech strategy does not use greetings towards older people said impoliteness in the Kenagarian of Tanjung Betung south Rao subdistrict Pasaman regency. The cause occurs when children talk to older people in the context of angry situations. Each of their cultural habits in speech strategies is different. The dominant language path used is the verbal form, because speech is direct between the speaker and the speech partner.
Desmita, Tuti. 2014. “Kesantunan Berbahasa Minangkabau dalam Tindak Tutur Anak kepada orang yang Lebih Tua dalam keluarga inti di Kenagarian Ladang Panjang Kecamatan Tigo Nagari Kabupaten Pasaman”. Skripsi: Universitas Bung Hatta.
Kurniawan, Cecep. 2014. “Kesantunan Berbahasa Minangkabau dalam Tindak Tutur Direktif Anak terhadap Orang yang Lebih Tua di Pauh Kamang Mudiak Kecamatan Kamang Magek Kabupaten Agam”. Skripsi: Universitas Bung Hatta.
Mulyana. 2005. Kajian Wacana, Teori, Metode, dan Aplikasi Prinsip-prinsip Analisis Wacana. Yogyakarta: Tiara Wacana.
R. Syahrul. 2008. Pragmatik Kesantunan Berbahasa. Padang UNP Press.
Wahyuni, Ayu. 2014. “Kesantunan Berbahasa Minangkabau dalam Tindak Tutur Anak kepada Orang yang Lebih Tua di Kenagarian Sunur Kecamatan Nan Sabaris Kabupaten Padang Pariaman”. Skripsi: Universitas Bung Hatta.