Language acquisition is a process when a child get his first language or mother tongue. One aspect of language acquisition is the syntactic aspect. Syntactic acquisition begins when the child starts speaking by saying one word, combining two or more words, which may be that the child is more spoken in the form of words, phrases, or sentences. This research was conducted on children aged 3 years have been able to express speech at the level of one sentence to compound sentences. Even at the age of 2 years children are able to combine words into simple sentences. However, the facts found show different things. In a child named Alika Naila Putri, aged 3 years, respondents syntax compared to the usual procedure. The delay is seen when the respondent has not been able to pronounce the sentence properly and correctly. This is due to the lack of interaction between child and the surrounding environment. Thus affecting the acquisition of child language. Therefore, this study aim to determine the utterances produced by children named Alika Naila Putri at the level of words, phrases, and sentences.
Syntactic acquisition begins when children start to combine two or more words. When a child has reached the stage of two words or more, his speech also becomes more numerous, and easy to interpret. That is why the investigator is more inclined to begin the study of language acquisition at the two-word stage (Chaer, 2003). Syntax tries to explain the functional relationship between elements in syntactic units that are arranged together in the form of phrases, clauses, sentences, and discourse. The syntactic unit function will appear if the unit appears in an order. For example the order of words in phrases, the arrangement of phrases in clauses, the arrangement of clauses in sentences, and the arrangement of sentences in discourse. Therefore, the language units studied in syntax are words, phrases, clauses, sentences, and discourse (Khairah dan Ridwan, 2014).
This type of research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. According to Sukmadinata (2012) qualitative research (Qualitative research) is a study aimed at describing and analyzing phenomena, events, social activities, attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, thoughts of individuals individually or in groups. Sources of data in this study, the respondent named Alika Naila Putri who was 3 years old. The data collected are utterances in the form of words spoken by respondents. Data collection techniques by: (1) researchers invite children to talk, both in situations of play and storytelling, (2) recording children's conversations, (3) clarifying to children's parents to ascertain the meaning of children's words, (4) writing or record recorded data in written language. Data analysis techniques by: (1) identifying utterances spoken by children, (2) grouping data that has been collected according to the syntactic field, (3) describing data in the form of speech based on syntactic forms and their meanings, and (4) drawing conclusions from the results of the syntactic acquisition analysis of children aged 3 years.
Based on the results of data analysis and discussion found, First, in the aspect of words, word data found in this study tends to be less than phrase and sentence data. The words spoken by children are more in the situation of storytelling. The words that the child utters are also limited according to the objects around him. Second, at the phrase level in the utterance of children also found equivalent compound sentences, but children can not use conjunctions, the phrase data found in this study tends to be quite a lot compared to the word data. phrases spoken by children are mostly found in play situations. Third, namely at the sentence level, the sentence data found in this study is more dominant than the word and phrase data. The dominant sentence spoken by the child is a single sentence. Sentences spoken by children more when they playing, because when playing children are more active in talking. Judging from the maturity of thinking children tend to be less able to utter sentences in accordance with the context and the child's speech is limited according to the environment. So, based on research it can be understood that the environment around children influences children in obtaining language.
Based on these conclusions, the authors suggest the following: (1) for students, especially students of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, this research can add knowledge and add insight into the acquisition of syntax; (2) for teachers, it can be used as an enrichment of children's ability to use vocabulary; (3) for parents, this research can open up insights to find out the child's ability to obtain language and also introduce children to the surrounding environment, so that children get more vocabulary and children get good sentences and correct; (4) for other researchers, this research should be used as a comparison or reference in conducting further research on the acquisition of syntax.
Chaer, Abdul. 2003. Psikolinguistik Kajian Teoretik. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.
Khairah, Miftahul dan Sakura Ridwan. 2014. Sintaksis Memahami Satuan Kalimat Perspektif Fungsi. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Sukmadinata, Nana Syaodih. 2012. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya.