Character is a real self-image. Every individual has a character and it can describe a real person whether good or bad. Good character individuals are individuals who can make decisions and are ready to take responsibility for the consequences of decisions made. One of the forming of one's character is by character education. Character education is not new in the education tradition in Indonesia. Character education is very important and challenging, in addition to being found in the school environment, character education is also commonly found in literary works. Research on literary works is important to know the relevance of literary works to the reality in society. One form of literary work is a novel. Novels are literary works in the form of prose and fiction that are built through various intrinsic and extrinsic elements,in line with what was delivered by Atmazaki (2005), the novel is in the form of prose which is longer and more complex than a short story, which expresses something about the quality or value of human experience.The values contained in literary works basically describe social reality and have an impact on society.This study aims to describe the values of character education contained in the novel Bangkok The Journal by Moemoe Rizal.
The theory used is the theory of the values of character education proposed by SyamsulKurniawan (2017) consisting of: religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love of the motherland , appreciate achievement, be friendly / communicative, love peace, love to read, care about the environment, care about social, responsibility.
This type of research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods.The object of research is the novel Bangkok The Journal by MoemoeRizal.The data in this study are the values of character education in the novel Bangkok The Journal by Moemoe Rizal. Data analysis techniques are (1) identifying the data that has been found, (2) interpreting data that describes character values, and (3) formulating the conclusions of the analysis of character values in the novel Bangkok the Journal by Moemoe Rizal.
Based on the results of research and data analysis of the values of character education in the novel Bangkok The Journal by Moemoe Rizal 14 character education values were obtained from 177 data consisting of religious data of 3. Honest as much as 17 data. Tolerance as much as 4 data.Discipline of 6 data.34 data hard work.Creative as much as 7 data.Mandiri as much as 6 data.Curiosity as much as 27 data. Love the motherland as much as 1 data. Reward achievements for as much as 7 data. Friendly / communicative of 22 data. Care for the environment as much as 2 data. Social care as much as 25 data.Responsibility of 16 data. The dominant value of character education is hard work as many as 34 data from 177 data, because hard work is a real effort made by someone to get the results as expected.This can be seen when the character in the novel struggle to find the mother's journal that is spread in Bangkok.This can be seen when the characters in the novel struggle to find the mother's journal that is spread in Bangkok. Whereas the value of character education whose data is not found in the novel Bangkok The Journal by Moemoe Rizal is democratic, nationalism, peace-loving, and fond of reading.
Based on the research results and conclusions, the results of this study are expected to be beneficial to various parties, including: (1) Students, this research can be a lesson to find out the nature or character of characters in the novel Bangkok The Journal by Moemoe Rizal. (2) Teachers, can be used as input in the learning process of analyzing literary works related to the values of character education. (3) other researchers, can be used as a comparison in conducting research in Indonesian literature that is useful by using different aspects in examining the values of character education.
Atmazaki. 2005. Ilmu Sastra: Teori dan Terapan. Padang: UNP Press.
Kurniawan, Syamsul. 2017. Pendidikan Karakter: Konsepsi dan Implementasinya
Secara Terpadu di Lingkungan keluarga, Sekolah, perguruan
Tinggi,dan masyarakat. Yogyakarta: Ar-ruzz Media.