In life, man is a social creature do interaction and communication with other humans. When interacting and communicating humans use language to convey the desires and intentions of the speech made. speech made by the speaker and the interlocutor can have meaning directly or implied. Speech with the implied meaning is called the implicature. Implicature became one of the studies in pragmatics. To be able to understand it, depending of the context at the time of the conversation. Because, in the above-mentioned context, then changed the meaning of the conversation is done. Implicature can be present in human activities, that is when buying and selling in the market. This study aims to describe the shape of the implicature on the conversation of sellers and buyers in The Market Raya Padang.
Before this research was conducted, there have been several researchers doing research on implikatur conversations, namely Nurmiah (2014), and Evy Nur Afifah, Nurlaksana Eko Rusmianto, and Bambang Riadi (2018). The theory used is about conversation implicature-forms expressed by Ida Bagus Putrayasa (2014) consisting of the formation implicature, consists of forms of forbidden conversational implicature, approving conversational implicature, rejecting conversational implicature, offering bidding conversation implant, asking or bargaining, affirming conversation implicant, complaining conversational implicature, and reporting conversational implicature.
This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive method. The data in this study are in the form of a word or phrase containing implicature conversations spoken by sellers and buyers when transacting. The source of the data in this study is the sellers and buyers of ingredients that interact in The field. The instrument in this study was the researcher himself who was assisted with a recording device and stationery.The technique of data collection is carried out by means of: (1) perform a direct observation, (2) record the conversations that occur between buyer and seller, (3) to listen to a recording of the conversation, (4) move into a written form, and (5) classify the resulting sentences in accordance with form implicature conversation. Data analyzed by following the following steps (1) classify the data have been identified on the basis of the form implicature the conversation, (2) describes the data that is associated with a form of conversation, implicatures (3) interpret the data that has already been described, and (4) summing up the results of data analysis in its entirety.
Based on the data analysis and discussion, it was found that the conversational implicature used by the seller and buyer included the approved conversational implicature, the rejected conversation implied form, and the asking or bargaining conversational implicature. After the research is done it is understood that a person implies in his conversation to convey a hidden desire, which is indirectly pronounced its meaning. This is influenced by several factors, namely the situation, conditions, and language between the speaker and the interlocutor when speaking.
Suggestions that researchers want to convey is that this study should be able to function as a text reference in language learning by Indonesian language teachers and should be used as a reference and comparison to conduct further research in order to get more complex research.
Afifah, Evy Nur, et al. 2018. “Implicature Conversation Novel Paradise that is Not Sorely Missed Work Asma Nadia and its Implications”. The Journal Word (Language, Literature, and Teaching). Vol 6.
Nurmiah. 2014. “Implicature Conversation in the Buying and Selling in The Tradisonal Market in The City of Palu”. Multilingual Journal. Vol 13.
Putrayasa, Ida Bagus. 2014. Pragmatics. Yogyakarta: Graha.