Assertive speech acts are one type of illocutionary speech acts, speech acts that are included in assertive acts, for example the statement states, suggesting, informing something, reporting, showing, expressing, explaining, and suggesting speech acts. A speech besides functions to say or inform something, can also be used to do something. Assertive speech acts and politeness language are problems that often occur among students, because of the many problems or problems caused by this speech act, a lot of research has been done in the speech act field. Research conducted by Molas Warsi Nugraheni (2015) focused more on researching violations of the principle of cooperation and politeness of students' language towards teachers through verbal speech acts. Furthermore, research conducted by Mursia Ekawati (2017) politeness issues in angry expressive speech acts in Indonesian.
This study aims to describe assertive speech acts and the politeness principle of language X class students of SMA 12 Padang. The theory used is that put forward by Wijana (2011) about pragmatics, Yule (2006) about assertive speech acts and types of assertive speech acts, Chaer (2010) about politeness in language. This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive methods. The data of this study were the speech acts of students in interacting in the school environment, the data were collected by recording student voices. Respondents in this study were 64 students. From this study found the use of assertive speech acts of students and all the maxims. Speech act states as much as 6 data, speech acts propose as much as 4 data, speech acts as much as 9 data, speech acts express opinions of 5 data, and speech acts report as much as 8 data. The most widely used maxims are the conclusions maximization with 8 data, the maxim of compatibility is 5 data, the maximum acceptance is 5 data, the maximum wisdom is 7 data, the maxim of humility is 4 data, then the maximum maxim is 3 data. Based on the research it can be concluded that, from the data obtained assertive speech acts and language politeness of class X students of SMA N 12 Padang in 2019 there were 21 polite speeches and 11 polite speeches.
Assertive speech act is something that needs to be considered in speaking, based on the results of research conducted over two weeks in SMA 12 Padang, 32 data collected in the form of student speech can be concluded asertive speech acts state as many as 6 data, assertive speech acts propose as many as 4 data , assertive speech acts complain as much as 9 data, assertive speech acts express opinions as much as 5 data, and assertive speech acts report as much as 8 data.
This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. According to Moleong (2012: 3), qualitative research can be interpreted as a determination that does not carry out calculations or figures. Data collection techniques performed the following steps: (1) observing (observing) the speech of 12th grade students of SMA Negeri 12 Padang in interacting outside the classroom; (2) recording the speech of the 12th grade high school students of Padang 12 high school while doing activities outside the classroom in the school environment; (3) transcribe into written form.
The politeness of the language is something that needs to be observed in speaking, because the politeness of the language gives birth to polite speeches that are desired by everyone. Based on the results of research and analysis that has been done, it is concluded that there are all uses of politeness maxim stated by Leech consisting of six maxims namely, maxim of wisdom as much as 7 data, maxim of generosity as much as 3 data, maxim of acceptance as much as 5 data, maxim of humility as much as 4 data , the maximum compatibility is 5 data, and the maximum sympathy is 8 data.
Based on the results of the data analysis, it appears that the dominant speech acts used by students of grade X in SMA Negeri 12 Padang are assertive speech acts, assertive speech acts complaining, and assertive speech acts report (declare) and violations of sympathy maxim as much as 8 data. So, there are 11 polite speeches and 21 disrespuctful speeches.
Based on these conclusions, the authors suggest the following: (1) for students, this research is expected to be used as a support in communicating with others and to teachers, to friends, especially in the school environment to be able to speak well and pay attention to the principles of politeness in language and maxims, (2) for the world education especially learning Indonesian, the results of this study can be utilized by teachers in teaching about the use of language, especially about speech that is appropriate to the context of the user, (3) for other researchers, as a comparison material to continue research with different aspects.
Chaer, Abdul. 2010. Courage in Language. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Ekawati, Mursia. 2017. Pseudo politeness in angry expressive acts of speech in Indonesian. Adabiyyat: Journal of Language and Literature. Vol.1, No.1
Nugraheni, Molas Warsi. 2015. Violation of the Principle of Cooperation and Politeness in Students' Language Towards Teachers Through Verbal Speech Actions in Ma'arif Tlogomulyo-Temanggung Middle School (Sociopragmatic Study). Magelang: FKIP Tidar University. Transformartika, Volume 11.
Meolong, Lexy J. 2012. Qualitative research methodology. Bandung: Teen Rosdakarya
Wijana, I Dewa Putu, Muhammad Rohmadi. 2011. Pragmatic Discourse Analysis: Theory Study and Analysis. Surakarta: Yuma Reader
Yule, George. 2006. Pragmatics. Yogyakarta: Student Library