Literary work is the result of the creativity and imagination of an author. The imagination is related to the psychological experienced by the author. That will affect the story line. The approach used in this study is the approach of literary psychology, the reason researchers use literary psychology in researching the novel Dear Nathan by Erisca Febriani because this novel explains about friendship, romance, life lessons, all aspects are inseparable from the psychology of literature, which will affect the character and figures in the novel. Based on previous literature studies, there are several research who discuss the personality of the main character in the novel, Desrawati (2014) with the title "Personality of the Main Characters in Novel 99 Light in the Sky of Europe by Hanum Salasabiela Rais": A Psychological Review. The results of his research indicate that a psychological review literature based on the personality aspect of id is more dominant. Subsequent research was also conducted by Annes Prima Dianti (2009) with the title "Characterization in the Soul Sonata Novel by Putu Felesia: Literary Psychology Review". The results of his research show that characterizations are viewed from literary psychology using the dominant psychoanalytic theory of the two main characters. This research is different from previous studies, the difference lies in the object of research. This study aims to describe the aspects of personality (id, ego, super ego) contained in the novel Dear Nathankarya Erisca Febriani.
The theory used in this study is a theory relating to the structure of personality put forward by Freud (AlbertineMinderop, 2011) which consists of Id (located in the unconscious part) which is a psychological energy and instinct that pressures humans to meet basic needs such as needs eating, sex, resisting pain, and discomfort. The ego (located in the conscious and part of the unconscious) is caught between two opposing forces by trying to fulfill individual pleasures that are limited by reality. Super Ego (lies in the conscious and in part) in the unconscious part) refers to morality in personality, super ego as well as a conscience that recognizes good and bad. This type of this research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The object of this research is the novel Dear Nathan by EriscaFebriani. Data collection is done by: (1) reading and understanding the contents of the novel as a whole, (2) marking parts of the story relating to the personality of the main character of the novel (3) recording data based on research problems. Data analysis technique is done by: (1) classifying data according to aspects of the personality of the character by referring to the theory (2) interpreting data describing the personality of the main character of the novel, (3) making a conclusion as a whole the results of data analysis to see aspect of the personality of the main character of the novel .
Based on the results of data analysis and discussion, there are 109 personality data aspects, which include aspects of id 16 data, aspects of ego 54 data and aspects of super ego 39 data. The results showed that the main character Nathan was very dominant in the aspect of ego. This can be seen from the character Nathan who is more concerned with individual pleasure, he often does things as he want but he still think about what he did. In the aspect of super ego, Nathan's character is not too dominant, it can be seen from Nathan's character who regrets what he did before. Nathan's figure realizes his mistake and apologizes to his father and corrects the relationship that was previously not good. Thus, it was concluded that from the three aspects of personality, Nathan's character was more dominant in the ego aspect, it could be seen from Nathan who was more concerned with individual pleasure.
Furthermore, based on the conclusions of the research results, the following things can be suggested: (1) Students must understand the personality aspects that exist in the novel, so it can be used in learning as an example of aspects of the id, ego and super ego, students can consider each desires well, think of the cause and effect of his actions in life (2) For readers and connoisseurs of literature can read and understand aspects of personality which include: id, ego and super ego in the novel (3) for future researchers, this research should be used as a reference for further research with a broader scope of personality studies such as aspects of id, ego and super ego in other novels.
Desrawati. 2014. "Personality of Main Characters in Novel 99 Light in the Sky of Europe by Hanum Salasabiela Rais: A Psychological Review". Essay. Padang: Bung Hatta University.
Dianti, Annes Prima. 2009. "Characterization in the Seoul Sonata Novel by Putu Felesia: A Review of Literary Psychoogy". Essay. Padang: Bung Hatta University.
Minderop, Albertine. 2011. Psychology of Literature. Jakarta: Indonesian Torch Library Foundation.
Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 2010. Theory of Fiction Study. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.