Literary is a form of expression of feelings, ideas, idea, or experience an author against a life events experienced by him directly or affected by the surrounding environment. Through the literary works of authors can describe the life of the past, present, and future with the creativity and imagination of the author. The literary work can be poetry, prose, and drama. One of the first prose since current many favorable readers is a popular novel. One of the popular novel that recounts the conflictss and emotions among adolescents is the novel Harga Sebuah Percaya by Tere Liye. There are some researchs about the conflictss and the emotions of the characters in literary works, such as by the Aimifrina (2017), Intan Tiara Oktari (2017), and Angelia Febri Mayang Sari (2018), but its object is different with this research. This research aims to describe (1) conflictss experienced by the main character of the novel Harga Sebuah Percaya by Tere Liye (2) the emotions of the main character of the novel Harga Sebuah Percaya by Tere Liye (3) the relationship of conflicts with the emotions of the main character of the novel Harga Sebuah Percaya by Tere Liye.
Al-Ma'ruf and Nugrahani (2017) stated that the novel is the author's experience in dealing with the social environment and with the imagination of the author makes a work of literature. Hocker and Wilmot (in Sobur, 2016) said the conflicts is a disagreement that occurred in two or more people with a mutual fight for each opinion to achieve their goals. Conflictss can be classified into internal and external conflicts. Internal conflicts consists of approaching conflicts-approached (approach-approach conflicts), avoidance-avoidance conflicts (avoidance-avoidance conflicts) and approach-avoidance conflicts (approach-avoidance conflicts) (Dirgagunarsa in Sobur, 2016). According to Nurgiantoro (2018) external conflictss, consit of conflicts physical (physical conflicts) and social conflicts (social conflicts).
This type of research is qualitative research with a descriptive method. The data of this research in the form of a dialogue in the novel Harga Sebuah Percaya by Tere Liye. This research instrument is own research in analyzing the novel Harga Sebuah Percaya by Tere Liye. Engineering data collection, i.e. read critically, identify the data corresponds to the problem is analyzed, and mentabulasikan data. The validity of research data is done by the technique of triangulation. Data analysis techniques, namely (1) classify or group the data according canvassed aspect, (2) explain the conflictss and emotions of the character based on its theoretical concepts (3) interpret the relationship between conflicts and emotions figure (4) draw conclusion and (5) making the conclusion report research results.
Based on the analysis of the data it is found that first, the main character is of the novel experiencing internal conflictss and external conflictss not related to emotions. There is an internal conflicts in the form of approach-avoidance conflicts as a result want to ride a roller coaster but afraid of nausea. External conflicts in the form of social conflicts which consists of 3 data as a result of the war between the villages. Second, there is the emotion that is not related to the conflicts, in the form of emotion concerned consisting of 3 data, such as worrying to hear strange noises outside the house, the emotions excited consisting of 3 data, such as eating ice cream while sad, emotion was surprised that consists data such as the time of balloon gas erupting suddenly someone was surprised to hear it. Third, there is a conflicts and emotion interconnected include approaching conflicts-away followed by emotions such as worry Jim, who wanted to meet with Nayla but She is yet to come. Avoidance-Avoidance Conflicts followed her emotions shocked, angry, worried and found 4 data, such as Nayla who was forced home by her family, she felt angry and could not defy his family. Social conflicts followed the angry emotions found 4 such as Jim met someone who discusses the death of Nayla and Jim upset when that person tells the story of Nayla. Physical conflicts followed the emotion fear arising out of storm stopped at sea.
After doing this research turns out to be found to the conflicts and emotion contained in the novel Harga Sebuah Percaya by Tere Liye in the form of internal conflicts and external conflicts, also internal conflicts itself comes from within a character who has doubts over choices that will take. Another case with external conflictss stemming from the relationship of character with its surroundings. The character of the conflicts initially timid figure into a bold and formidable figure, in addition there are conflictss in the emotions of the characters vary in every story that makes the stories that portrayed the author more colorful and draws the reader to read the novel until the end. If line with research by Aimifrina (2017) and Angelia Febri Manja Sari (2018) there are similarities in internal conflicts which took place on the main character. This happens because the author wants more describe a conflicts fought on the main character in a literary work. On the emotion of the character there are similarities with studies by Intan Tiara Oktari (2017) that emotion upset in the analysis, this happens because the angry emotions is the most basic emotions of humans being.
From the results of the study it was concluded that the dominant conflicts is a avoidance-avoidance conflicts and social conflicts on the dominant emotion is the emotion of fear. Suggestions for other studies should continue its research on the novel as in the personality of the character and values of moral character.
Al-Ma’ruf, Ali dan Farida Nugrahani. 2017. Pengkajian Sastra Teori dan Aplikasi. Surakarta: Djiwa Amarta Press.
Aimifrina. 2017. “Konflik Internal Tokoh Utama dalam Novel Mengurai Rindu Karya Nang Syamsuddin”, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang. Journal KATA: Vol. 1, No. I.
Baharuddin. 2017. Psikologi Pendidikan. Depok: Ar-Ruzz Media.
Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 2018. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarta: Gajah Mada University Press.
Oktari, Intan Tiara. 2017. “Emosional Tokoh-Tokoh dalam Novel Tak Sempurna Karya Fahd Djibran”. Journal. Padang: Universitas Bung Hatta.
Sari, Angelia Febri Manja. 2018. Konflik Tokoh Utama dan Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Novel Koala Kumal Karya Raditya Dika. Journal. Padang: Universitas Bung Hatta.
Sobur, Alex. 2016. Psikologi Umum. Bandung: Pustaka Setia.