Language errors can be caused by several factors, such as language habits that do not pay attention to correct language rules and ignorance of knowledge about the language code. Errors can be found on outdoor media, such as banners. The language of advertising must be persuasive, aims to improve and convince the public about the products /services offered in accordance with the community wants and needs. To produce persuasive, advertisements are displayed using interesting and beautiful word games to achieve aesthetic value. However, there are several uses of language style that do not pay attention to the correct language rules, thus causing language error in other media. Previously, there were researchers who analyzed several language errors, namely Ratna Susanti and Dewi Augustine (2016), Cahyo Hasanudin (2017), Ratna Susanti (2014), and Nur Afifah and Nikmah Sari Hasibuan (2017). This study aims to describe (1) the form of Indonesian mistakes in outdoor media, (2) the use of language styles in outdoor media, and (3) the relationship between errors with the use of language styles in outdoor media in Tampan Sub-District, Pekanbaru City.
According to Tarigan (2011) language errors are caused by several factors, namely (1) the fatigue, fatigue, and lack of attention, which is called mistakes (2) the lack of knowledge of language rules, which is called errors. Susanti (2014) states that spelling is a set of rules or rules of sound symbolization, arranging, combining, and writing in several languages. Widjono (in Lafizhma, 2016) says effective sentences are short, concise sentence, clear, concise, and can be delivered precisely. Susanti and Dewi (2016) state that the word choice requirements are, (1) accuracy, (2) prevalence, and (3) accuracy. Tarigan (2014) grouped linguistic styles into four groups namely, placing linguistic style, contradiction, linking, and repetition.
This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive methods. The data of this study are words containing Indonesian language errors. The data source is outdoor media which aired from February to March in the Tampan District of Pekanbaru City. Data collection techniques are observation and documentation. Data Analysis techniques namely (1) grouping the data has been collected, (2) analyzing errors based on aspects and types of errors by paying attention to linguistic rules which include spelling, sentence structure, diction, and language style, (3) explaining errors of data that have been analyzed, (4) interpreting the relationship of language errors with language style, (5) makes conclusions from the analysis, and (5) make a research report.
Based on the data analysis, it is can concluded that there are still many Indonesian errors in outdoor media in Tampan Sub-district, Pekanbaru City. First, it is found 20 errors in the use of letters, such as the use of capital letters in conjunctions "and". Second, it is found 45 errors in writing words, such as writing errors in S.H. as academic title. Third, it is found 3 sentence structure errors, as in the sentence "tapi gue jadi buktiin". Fourth, it is found 43 errors in using punctuation, such as in the "warning !!!" construction. Fifth, it is found 3 errors in the use of diction, such as the use of the word "ada jual", and then, found 13 uses of language style, such as the use of the language style asidenton in the construction of "nasionalis, religius, kerakyatan". There is a link between language errors and the use of language styles. When viewed in terms of grammar experiencing language errors, But when viewed from a stilistika point of view, not everything is considered a mistake, sometimes to get aesthetic value and attractiveness, Ad creators intentionally violate language rules, causing sentences to be less effective and excessive. The results of this study in line with research conducted by Ratna Susanti and Dewi Agustini (2016), Cahyo Hasanudin (2017), Ratna Susanti 2014), and Nur Afifah and Nikmah Sari Hasibuan (2017) that found the same mistakes from outdoor media including spelling mistakes. Therefore, we can deduce whatever the media is, we still find the use of language that is not in accordance with the correct Indonesian language rules
It is can be concluded that whatever the media, mistakes in language that do not conform to the correct code language code remain. This research can be used as a reference for language learning in texts by Indonesian language teachers and advertising practitioner, so that in the future do not make language mistakes in advertising media.
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