The language of emotion is a tool of communication produced by human speech tool that is released from the overflow of emotions in the mind and then issues an action. Such as angry emotions, the language of emotion will arise more easily if the speaker and the interlocutor feel something received is not understood. Therefore, the speaker and the interlocutor become angry because they have disturbed the calm and comfort of someone, for example, people will be angry if reviled, be insulted, even harassed by others. This study aims to describe types of emotionally meaningful sentences and forms of angry emotional sentences in Jorong Taratak Nagari Kubang, Guguak District, Lima Puluh Kota District.
According to Ali and Asrori (2006) mention that the types of emotional sentences of anger include brutal, raging, hateful, angry, angry, upset and hostile. According to Adiati (2012) mention that angry emotional sentences include passive-aggressive, sarcasm, cold anger, hostility and aggression. Research about angry emotional sentences has been done before by Mira Novita (2004) An Analysis of Angry Emotional Sentences in Kenagarian Lubuk Basung, Sangkir District, Agam Regency, Desti Nopita Sari (2015) Emotional Sentences of Bintuhan Dialect, Kaur Regency, Bengkulu Province An Overview of the Aspects of Language Profitability, and Cicilia Indah Nuraeny (2016) Ability to Manage Student Emotions that are Arranging Thesis of Descriptive Study on Student Study Program BK USD Class of 2012. The difference between those research with this research are the object of the research and the research studies.
Type of the research used is qualitative research approach with descriptive method. Object of the research is the oral data of the community in Jorong Taratak Nagari Kubang, Guguak District, Lima Puluh Kota District, amount to 15 people. This research focused on the type and form of emotionally meaningful angry sentences in the Minangkabau dialect of Nagari Kubang, Guguak District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency. The research instrument was the researcher itself who were supported by recorders, field notes and data formats. The technique of collecting data by listening, recording, memoing and grouping. The technique of analyzing data by: (1) transcribing angry emotionally meaningful utterances from the recording into written form and translating into Indonesian, (2) describing emotional sentences utterances to the community based on the types of angry sentences and forms of angry sentences, (3) classifying emotional angry sentences based on types and forms of angry sentences based on speech emotional anger used by the community, and (4) drawing conclusions from the data that has been analyzed based on the types and forms of angry sentences in emotionally meaningful sentences of Minangkabau language in Nagari Kubang dialect, Guguak District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency.
The findings show that there 53 data were found. Based on type of angry emotional sentences of the brutal angry sentence there are 12 data with percentage (23%) which were marked with the words such as boruak, gacik, pantek, anjiang. Angry tantrums there are 3 data with percentage (7%) which were marked by the sentence ola nomua dek kurok tangan ang, bapuntuang-puntuang jari ang. Angry sentences hate there are 6 data with percentage (11%) which were marked with ndak do aka, kurang aka ang de. Sentences of angry anger there are 6 data with percentage (11%) which were marked with the phrase amak kau, amak ang, apak kau. Annoyed sentences there are 12 data (23%) which were marked with bakirok lah, santai e lah ang. Sentences of angry anger there are 7 data (13%) which were marked with iyo e, and sentences of hostile anger there are 7 data (13%) which were marked with katai-katai, den ampai ang, tu kabakatumpe awak lai.. Based on the sentence form angry found that there are 65 data, there are 10 data of passive-aggressive (15%), 12 data of sarcasm (18%), 10 data of cold anger (15%), 9 data of hostility (14%) and 24 data of aggressive (37 %).
From a number of types of emotionally meaningful angry sentences that are dominantly used by the Jorong Taratak Nagari Kubang community, Guguak District, Lima Puluh Kota Regency are brutal angry and angry annoyed. The forms of the emotionally meaningful angry sentences dominantly used by the Jorong Taratak Nagari Kubang community, Guguak District, Regency Fifty Cities are sarcasm and aggressive. This research was expected to be useful for: first, students in order to students do not act that affects the speech acts of children in talking with older people or with peers, secondly, the teacher was expected to give examples of how to speak well, politely and give teachings about norms / rules in speech acts to everyone in family and community life.
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Nuraeny, Cicilia Indah. 2016. "Ability to Manage Student Emotions that are Compiling Thesis of Descriptive Studies on Student Study Program BK USD Class of 2012". Essay. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University.
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Sari, Nopita Desti. 2015. "Emotional Sentences of Bintuhan Dialect of Kaur Regency Bengkulu Province An Overview of the Aspects of Language Courage". Essay. Padang: Bung Hatta University.