Indonesia is a country that is famous for having many different languages, customs and diverse cultures in each region. Culture is spread through language and traditions in society. Languages are divided into two types, namely spoken language and written language. Oral language is also often used in the area to communicate. One of the regional languages in Indonesia is Javanese. One culture that develops in society is folklore. Folklore that is still developing today is the expression of prohibition.
Based on the literature study that has been done. Then carried out relevant research by Firstiana (2013), Fitreni (2015), and Syukri (2016). This study aims to describe the meaning, social function, and realization of the expression of the prohibition of the people in Rejosari Village, Pamenang District, Merangin District. The theory used is the opinion of Danandjaja (2007) about the social function of prohibited expressions. The expression prohibition is composed of several words that have meaning and purpose to prohibit someone from doing things that are considered unfavorable.
This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive methods. Data source expressions of the prohibition of community service in the village of Rejosari, Pamenang District, Merangin Regency. The research instrument was a researcher with the help of several informants, who were originally from the village of Rejosari and stationery, cellphones (vivo). Data collection techniques are record, record. Data analysis techniques are (1) transcribing from Javanese to Indonesian, (2) identifying based on the meaning and social function contained in the prohibition phrase, (3) outlining the meaning, social function, and realization of the use expressions of prohibition by distributing questionnaires, and (4) concluding the results of prohibited expressions.
Based on data analysis, the following matters are found: (1) the meaning contained in the 46 data is implied and actually meaning, implied meaning, namely hidden meaning (symbol), (2) the social function of this prohibition expression is divided into three, namely the function of prohibiting there are 5 data, the function of educating there are 15 data, and 26 data expressions of prohibition that have the function of reminding, (3) while the realization of expressions of prohibition in the daily life of the people in Rejosari village there are 21 expressions of prohibitions that are not used anymore because they have never heard and there are 25 prohibited expressions that are still used by the community.
After conducting research, in this study found two meanings, namely implied and actual meaning. The dominant social function used is the reminder function. While the realization of the phrase prohibition is only used by parents in the village of Rejosari to advise, criticize, and scare their children into not doing things that would be considered bad. The suggestions can be conveyed as follows: (1) for teachers, to be used as teaching materials to educate children so that they have good character, (2) students to understand the expression of prohibitions, because it is as one part of local wisdom contained in the learning process , (3) the community in order to preserve and apply in daily life, so as not to lose the existing local wisdom, (4) the next researcher, so that research on the expression of this prohibition is further enhanced in order to obtain maximum results.
anandjaja, James. 2007. Folklor Indonesia. Jakarta: Pustaka Utama Grafitri.
Firstiana, Febriadeti. 2015. “Ungkapan Larangan dalam Masyarakat Minangkabau di Kanagarian
Kubang Putiah Kecamatan Banuhampu Kabupaten Agam”. Skripsi. Padang: Universitas Bung Hatta.
Fitreni, Neti. 2015. “Ungkapan Larangan di Kanagarian Lubuk Layang kecamatan Rao Selatan Kabupaten Pasaman”. Skripsi. Padang: Universitas Bung Hatta.
Syukri, Ahmad. 2016. “Ungkaapan Larangan pada Masyarakat Nagari Alahan Panjang Kecamatan Lembah Gumanti Kabupaten Solok”. Skripsi. Padang: STKIP.