In the teaching and learning process there are still some students who use less polite language when communicating with the teacher. They sometimes answer the teacher's questions directly without thinking about whether it is good or bad. One of them is in the teaching and learning process at SMPN 1 Pasaman, Pasaman Subdistrict, West Pasaman District there was a speech act between the teacher and students when the teacher delivered the material or even when students answered questions raised by the teacher. At this time children will be very affected by the environment where they live or playmates. Children's habits of communicating in their environment will have an impact on the way they communicate at school. If the environment is good and in the school also gets friends who communicate well, then the child's communication will be good too. However, sometimes at school the child becomes friends with a child whose communication is not good so the child's communication will not be good too. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to describe the form of language politeness of Grade VIII students in speech acts on the teaching and learning process at SMPN 1 Pasaman, Pasaman District, West Pasaman Regency.
The theory used in this research is the theory from Leech (in Syahrul, 2008: 23) which states that the principle of politeness in language consists of several maxims, namely maxim of wisdom, generous maxim, praise maxim, praise maxim, modesty maxim, modesty agreement and maxim sympathy. Furthermore, using theory from Lakoff (in Chaer, 2010: 46) which states that the rules of politeness of language consists of 3 parts, namely formality, indecisiveness and equality or equality. Both theories are used as a reference in conducting research analysis. Previous research has been conducted by Menawilda (2015).
This research uses a qualitative approach using descriptive methods . The data source in this study was taken from a speech delivered by eighth grade students at SMPN 1 Pasaman, Pasaman District, West Pasaman District in the process of teaching and learning Indonesian subjects in July 2019. The instrument used in this study was the researcher himself observing direct teaching and learning process and assisted by using a recording device in the form of mobile phones and stationery used to record some of the respondents' utterances studied. The first data collection technique is tapping or recording the speech of Grade VIII students at SMPN 1 Pasaman in the teaching and learning process, the second is a competent listening technique, the researchers participate and observe directly during the teaching and learning process. Data analysis techniques were carried out in a way that is first classifying the utterances conveyed by students, the second doing interpretations based on theories that are used as a reference in research, thirdly summarizing the results of overall data analysis.
Based on data analysis and discussion, 49 data were in the form of conversations. Of the 49 data after being grouped into 6 maxims, they are as follows: speech data which states the agreement maxims are 12 speech data, maximum wisdom is 2 speech data, generous maxims are 1 speech data, 6 compliments maxim are 6 speech data, maxim is sympathy 1 0 utterances and humility maxims data no data found and 12 other data not included in some maxims because they do not fit the criteria of the maxims . Furthermore, based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the maxims of agreement are more dominant than the other maxims because during the learning process between students and teachers at SMPN 1 Pasaman understand and understand the utterances and the situation at that time. The majority of the people there in their daily lives still use many local languages. Therefore, even in the school environment students use more local languages. Although students in the learning process sometimes use regional languages but they are still delivered in polite language so that in communicating during the learning process there are no teachers or students who feel offended.
Based on the results of research suggestions that can be submitted to: (1) teachers, this study is useful as a reference in improving the quality of communication made by teachers and students in the teaching and learning process that teachers can apply the principle of politeness and linguistic modesty rules in speech acts. So, with the application of polite speech and politeness principles, the interaction process in teaching and learning in the classroom will be better. (2) students, this study is useful to improve good speech, and improve the values of politeness that students do every day, especially in the school environment. (3) other research this research can be continued to find out more about the principle of politeness in language, especially in the teaching and learning process in schools and as a material for consideration of other researchers in examining the politeness of students' language in the act
Chaer, Abdul. 2010. Courage in Language . Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Menawilda. 2015. "Arsertif Speech Acts and the Principle of Politeness in Language Students of Indonesian Language and Literature Education in Interaction in School Environments". Essay. Padang: Bung Hatta University.
Syahrul, R. 2008. Pragmatics Politeness in Language, Remembers Indonesian Language Phenomena Teacher and student. Padang: UNP Press