Song lyrics are one form of literary works in the form of poetry. Said to be poetry because song lyrics are a form of expression of expressions expressed by someone. Song lyrics must also have imagery within each lyric. The image contained in a song's lyrics is a form of expression of the author's to of human sensory stimuli. The imagery itself is a delusion of human sensory stimulation. Imagery is also very necessary in a song's lyrics, because if a song's lyrics do not have an image then a listener will find it difficult to understand. One of the song lyrics that contain imagery is the song lyrics sung by Fatin on the album For You. According to Waluyo (2002) the imagery is a word or arrangement of words that can clarify or concretize what is described as if it can be seen (visual imagery), heard (auditive imagery), or percevided (tactile imagery). According to Pradopo (2014) states that there are various kinds of wishful imagery, produced by the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell.
This study aims to describe: (1) the type of imagery in the lyrics of the song Fatin on the album For You, (2) the theme of the song Fatin on the album For You, and (3) the message in the Fatin song lyrics on the album For You. This song is very good for listeners, especially teenagers to motivate and provide solution to teenage love problems. The theory used is about imagery proposed by Al Ma'ruf (2009) regarding imagery and types of imagery.
This type of research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. The data source in this study is the song sung by Fatin on the album For You. Data analysis techniques used in this study are by: (1) analyzing data in a line, (2) the data that analyzed of a line is data that contains imagery in the lyrics of the song, then grouped which only has imagery in each line, (3) data that has imagery and then concluded in each the song.
Based on the analysis of imagery data found in Fatin song lyrics on the album For you to is 77 data imagery. visual imagery as much as 26 imagery data, hearing imagery as much as 7 imagery data, palpitation imagery as much as 8 imagery data, motion imagery as much as 19 imagery data, olfactory imagery as much as 0 imagery data, taste imagery as much as 4 imagery data, feeling imagery as much as 13 imagery data. The most commonly found imagery is a visual imagery. The theme in the song lyrics sung by Fatin on the album For You is the theme of love between men and women and the theme of God. The recommended mandate for the album For you is to motivate and solution teens to be better at romance. The result of this study are in line with Arif Kurniawan (2016) about “Imagery and Meaning in a Collection of June Rain Poem by Sapardi Djoko Darmono” and Wella Angelia (2016) research on “Imagery in a Collection of Dust-Blaring Poem by Chairil Anwar”.
Alma’ruf, Dr. Ali Imron. 2009. Stylistical Theory of Methods and Applications of Language Aesthetic Assessment. Surakarta: CakraBooks Solo.
Angelia, Wella. 2016. An Imagery in a Collection of Poems Miixed by Dust by Chairil Anwar. Retrieved from %5D=8401
Kurniawan, Arif. 2016. Imagery and Meaning in a Collection of June Rain Poem by Sapardi Djoko Darmono. Retrieved from.
Pradopo, Rachmat Joko. 2014. Poetry Study. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press.
Waluyo, Herman J. 2002. Poetry Apreciation. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Main Library.