The Influence of Jingle Button Cooperative Learning Techniques on Learning Outcomes of Civics Education Class III Students at SD Negeri 11 Kurao Pagang Padang
Definition of Citizenship Education according to the Minister of National Education Regulation No. 22/2006 concerning Content Standards for Elementary and Secondary Education Units is a subject that focuses on forming citizens who understand and are able to exercise their rights and obligations to become intelligent, skilled, Indonesian citizens and character mandated by Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution. In general, teachers only use conventional learning. Conventional learning that is intended here is a learning model that is familiar and is often used by teachers in the learning process in class. To overcome these problems, researchers will use the Clanking Button Cooperative learning technique on the learning outcomes of Civics Class III students at SD Negeri 11 Kurao Pagang Padang. Based on this, the researcher is interested in conducting experimental research with the title "Clanging Button Cooperative Learning Techniques Against Learning Outcomes of Class III Students of Public Elementary School 11 Kurao Pagang Padang".
The procedures in cooperative learning type jingle buttons according to Huda (2015: 142), namely:
1. The teacher prepares a small box containing buttons or other small objects. 2. Before starting the task, each member of each group gets 2 or 3 buttons (the number of buttons depends on the difficulty of the task given). 3. Every time a member finishes speaking or expresses his opinion, he must give up one of his buttons and place it in the middle of the group table. 4. If the button that one of you has runs out, he cannot talk again until all his colleagues have finished each button. 5. If all buttons are finished, while the task is not finished, the group may take the opportunity to share the buttons again and repeat the procedure again.
Huda (2015: 142) argues that the strengths of the clinking cooperative learning technique are "overcoming the barriers to equal opportunity that characterize group work"
Advantages :1. Positive interdependence. 2. There is recognition in responding to individual differences. 3. Students are involved in class planning and management. 4. A relaxed and pleasant classroom atmosphere. 5. Establishing a warm and friendly relationship between students and teachers. 6. Have many opportunities to express the experience of pleasant emotions. 7. Provide opportunities for students to find their own concepts and solve problems. 8. Each group member has the opportunity to provide their construction and listen to the views and thoughts of other members. 9. Overcoming barriers to equal opportunity that often colors group work.
This type of research is an experimental research design "Randomized Control Group Posttest Only Design". The independent variable in this study is the Jingle Button learning model while the dependent variable is the outcome of social studies learning. The population in this study were all grade III students of SDN 11 Kurao Pagang Padang in the 2019/2020 school year consisting of 2 classes. The sample in this study was class III.A students were 21 students and class III.B students were 21 students. The technique in sampling is by total sampling. The data taken in this study are cognitive learning outcomes of cognitive domain students obtained through the final test in an objective form.
The results showed the average value of the experimental class was higher than the control class (the experimental class averaged 76.9 and the control class an average value of 69). In statistical tests the price of tcount> ttable (0.05; 40) (2.04> 2.02) with a level (α = 0.05) then the hypothesis H1 is accepted.
From these data it can be concluded that the Studying Ringing Cooperative learning technique affects the PKn learning outcomes of third grade students of SD Negeri 11 Kurao Pagang Padang. Thus the Ringing Button cooperative learning technique is expected to be used in the learning process to have a better influence on student learning outcomes.
Keywords: Jingle Button, PKn, learning outcomes