Language errors are violations related to determinefactors in communicating or using language that are not in accordance with Indonesian social norms and rules of grammar.UUD 45 Article 36 states that the language of the country is Indonesian, including the use of Indonesian for building name, street names, trademarks, etc. Furthermore, in the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Education Regulation No. 51 of 2015 concerning General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PU-EBI) Article 1 states (1) PU-EBI is used for government agencies, the private sector, and the public in using Indonesian properly and correctly. Research errors of language in writing outdoor media space has been done by other researchers with different objects. Therefore, the researcher wants to develop or continue the research of others with a focus on research that not only identifies errors in writing EBI (Indonesian Spelling), but also identifies semantic level errors of language outdoor media space, namely in the form of banners, billboards, sign board, and shop sign in Mandau Sub-district. This study aims to describe the form of semantic level language errors and EBI (Indonesian Spelling) on outdoor advertising media in public spaces, in the form of banners, billboards, sign boards, and shop sign in MandauSub-district.
According to Tarigan (2011:67), there are two words that are synonymous between error and mistake has more or less the same meaning. However, in language teaching, that is a deviation in the use of language. Errors are basically caused by performance factors. That is, caused by limitations in remembering something in pronouncing language sounds, words, word order, word or sentence pressure, and so on. Conversely, mistakes are caused by competency factors. Setyawati, (2013:93–94) said that the use of words that replace one another in the wrong choice of words freely varied can cause errors. The form of semantic level errors of language is divided into three, namely (1) errors due to a couple's age; (2) errors because of a confused pair; and (3) errors due to incorrect word choices. Research on error of language in outdoor media space has been done before by (1) Ratna Susanti dan Dewi Agustini (2016) and Cahyo Hasanudin (2017).
This type of research is a qualitative research with descriptive methods. The object of this study is outdoor media advertising on banners, billboards, sign boards, and shop sign. This research is focused on errors of semantic level errors of language and EBI errors. Data collection techniques are by observation, observing, and recording data. Data analysis techniques by: (1) error identification, (2) error explanation, (3) error classification, and (4) error evaluation based on semantic level errors and EBI errors.
The research findings show that in the 51 analyzed data, 20 semantic level errors of language and 147 EBI errors were obtained. The results showed that in the outdoor media space in Mandau Sub-district there were three (3) types of semantic level errors of language and four (4) types of EBI errors. Semantic level mistakes of language include (a) errors due to paired relations, (b) errors due to confused partners, and (c) language errors due to incorrect word choices. EBI errors include (a) mistakes in writing letters (vowels, consonants, capital letters, and italics), (b) mistakes in using punctuation (periods, commas, dashes, dashes, dashes, brackets, double quotes, slashes, and abbreviations or apostrophes), (c) mistyping words (affixed words, repeated words, combined words, prepositions, numbers and numbers, abbreviations and acronyms, and pronouns), and (d) errors in writing uptake words. There are two words that are synonymous in error to learning again, such as outdoor media makers who do not know the correct writing on outdoor media and mistakes that can be corrected immediately. This means that in general, semantic level errors of languange and EBI error can chage the meaning of words both oral and written.
This research is expected to be beneficial for: first, students and students to further develop understanding in semantic level in error to learn again EBI errors. In addition, it can contribute to the development of the Indonesian language. Secondly, for the Mandau Sub-district Government, further enhance and consider the outdoor media as an effort to improve outdoor advertising media with the use of Indonesian language that is good and right based on language rules, so as to minimize errors that can be seen by the public in public spaces. And thirdly, for other researchers, it is hoped that the results of this research can be continued with various theories or studies of different aspects.
Hasanudin, Cahyo. 2017. “Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Pada Penulisan Media Luar Ruangan di Kabupaten Bojonegoro”. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra. April, Vol. 17, No. 1, Hlm. 117-126.
Setyawati, Nanik. 2013. Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Indonesia Teori dan Praktik. Surakarta: Yuma Pustaka.
Susanti, Ratna & Agustini, Dewi. 2016. “Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Pada Penulisan Iklan Luar Ruangan di Kota Surakarta”. Jurnal Sainstech Politeknik Indonusa Surakarta. Juni, Vol. 2, No. 5, Hlm. 46-68
Tarigan, Henry Guntur & Tarigan, Djago. 2011. Pengajaran Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa. Bandung: Angkasa Bandung.