The language used in the media sometimes had mistakes, especially in online media. The mistake was caused by online media prioritizing the speed in disseminating news. So, sometimes less attention in writing’s fault. Based on preliminary study, researchers often find language errors in the online media news Previously, there were several researchers who analyzed language errors in the mass media, namely Nina Hayani Safitri (2009) and Anita Putri (2013), but the object was printed media. This study aims to describe the mistake in Indonesian language in the online media Lubuk Basung, Agam Regency, which includes spelling, diction and sentence.
Language error analysis is a procedure used by language researchers by collecting data, identifying errors contained in the data, explaining the errors, classifying errors based on their causes, and evaluating the seriousness of the errors (Tarigan, 2011). According to Atmanegara (2018) based on PERMENDIKBUD RI No. 50 of 2015 says that Indonesian Spelling is the overall rules or procedures for writing a language, both those related to sound symbols, word writing, sentence writing, or using punctuation, which must be obeyed by the language user for the sake of regularity and uniformity of forms, especially written language. According to Setyawati (2013) diction is used to replace one to another, will cause changes in meaning sentences and even ruin the structure of sentences, if it does not match the actual meaning. According to Arifin and Tasai (2016) characteristics of effective sentences are equivalence, paralliness, assertiveness, thrift, accuracy, cohesiveness, and logic.
This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The source of the research data was taken from the online media Lubuk Basung, Agam Regency in March 2019 and focused on language errors which included Indonesian spelling, diction and sentence. The instrument of this research is the researcher by recording all errors. Data collection techniques by collecting online media news Lubuk Basung, published in March 2019, reading and understanding the news, as well recorded language errors in the news marked in tabular form. The data is analyzed by identifying all data that has been grouped, explaining errors based on spelling, diction, and sentence, interpreting the results of the study, and concluding the interpretation results.
After analyzing the data on language errors online kaba12.comLubuk basung, Agam Regency in March 2019 found 32 news with 275 errors in 110 data corpus. The mistake was in the form of Indonesian spelling, diction, and sentence. The first mistake was the Spelling of Indonesian Language (EBI) 199 errors including capital letters as many as 56 errors as in the word “Lubukbasung,” italics as many as 36 errors as in the word “executive,” writing words 22 errors as in the word “Kabupten,” abbreviations as much as 4 errors as in the word “Dprd,” a combination of 36 errors as in the word “Lubukbasung,” prepositions as many as 16 errors as in the above “diatas,” a period of 9 errors as in the words “Desneri, SH,” comma as many as 19 errors as in the word “bahkan,” and parentheses 1 error as in the word “KPM-PKH.” Secondly, there were 39 errors of diction, as the word “disampaikan” that should have been written to “mengatakan.” Third, 37 error sentences include error sentences at a efficient of 26 errors such as the sentence "Disebutkan Ranopati, secara umum animo masyarakat dari berbagai daerah di Sumbar sangat tinggi untuk mengikuti event sepeda santai tersebut, dibuktikan sampai H-2, sudah tercatat sebanyak 1.800 orang peserta yang mendaftar, bahkan target 2.500 peserta akan terlampaui," cohesiveness 8 errors, matching 1 error, accuracy 1 error, and logical 1 mistake like the phrase"Workshop tersebut mendatangkan narasumber langsung dari Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Sumatera Barat, Raymon, MPd yang turut didampingi Kepala SMKN 9 Padang yang telah dulu sukses dengan metode TEFA.'' The error was caused by the editor being less thorough in editing. The results of this study are in line with Nina Hayani Safitri (2009) on "Ketepatan Penggunaan Preposisi dalam BeritaUtama Koran Singgalang." and Anita Putri's (2013) research on "Kesalahan Penulisan Kata pada Media Massa Koran Haluan Edisi Bulan Maret 2017" which found language errors in printed mass media.
For that, online media editors are advised to pay more attention to Indonesian spelling rules, diction and sentences, so there are no repetitive mistakes. Other researchers are advised to conduct research on language errors in other online media such as,
Tarigan, Henry Guntur dan Djago Tarigan. 2011. Pengajaran Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa. Bandung: Angkasa.
Atmanegara, Weda Sasmita. 2018. Pedoman Umum; Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia. Yogyakarta: Episentrum Books.
Setyawati, Nanik. 2013. Analisis Kesalahan Berbahasa Indonesia: Teori dan Praktik. Surakarta: Yuma Pustaka.
Arifin, Zaenal dan Amran Tasai. 2016. Cermat Berbahasa Indonesia Untuk Perguruan Tinggi. Jakarta: Akademika Pressindo
Safitri, Nina Hayani. 2009. Ketepatan Penggunaan Preposisi dalam Berita Utama Koran Singgalang. Jurnal kumpulan artikel Pindo wisuda ke 61, Vol 3, No 6 (2014). Retrieved from
Putri, Anita. 2013. Kesalahan Penulisan Kata pada Media Massa Koran Haluan Edisi Bulan Maret 2017. Jurnal kumpulan artikel Pindo wisuda ke 68, Vol 7, No 2 (2017). Retrieved from