The Minangkabau author has a specialty in creating a literary work. One of these characteristics is seen in the use of figure of speech. The presence of figure of speech is inseparable from the way the authors pour ideas, ideas, and feelings into literary work. The figure of speech used by the author aims to achieve aesthetic impression, in addition it aims to make the purpose conveyed can be understood by the reader. One form of figure of speech is the Minangkabau locality. The Minangkabau locality maje refers to regional language vocabulary, regional terminology or idioms, local languages that emerge into the Indonesian language (including how to speak, and ways of expression that do not change the meaning of the language), and socio-cultural backgrounds and references related, for example dialects and various non-formal languages. Research on the Minangkabau locality has been done before, including research (1) Mila Kurnia Sari (2013) on the Sajak Mangkutak di Negeri Prosaliris, (2) Rio Rinaldi (2015), on short stories of Hasrat Membunuh by Yusrizal KW, (3) Rio Rinaldi (2016), to the short story of Penari dari Kuraitaji by Free Hearty , (4) Rio Rinaldi and Romi Isnanda (2016), to novels by Wisran Hadi", (5) Rio Rinaldi (2017), on the Tonil Sabai Nan Aluih Manuscript of Sutan Sati, (6) Hasnul Fikri (2017), on the figure of speech Minangkabau locality in Carito Minang Kini by Hakimah Rahman S in Padang Ekspres, (7) Rio Rinaldi (2018), on romantic novels of Minangkabau ethnic authors. This research aims to describe comparative forms (metaphors, sinecdoke, personification, antonomasia, and alusio) and innuendo (cynicism and sarcasm), as well as the functions of these forms.
In the novel, there are intrinsic and ectrinsic elements. According to Alma'ruf and Nugrahaini (2018), the novel's intrinsic elements consist of themes, threads, settings, figures and luminaries, orders, viewpoints and figure of speech. Extrinsic elements consist of the subjectivity of such authors, ideologies, beliefs, attitudes and views of life. In this research, the elements studied were the figure of speech of Minangkabau locality. According to Keraf (2006) The figure of speech is a distinctive way of expression of the mind through language that demonstrates the soul and personality of the author (the language user). The figure of speech consists of comparative and satire. Figure of speech comparative includes metonimia, sinecdoke, epithet, eponymous, alusi, allegory, fable, parabel, simile/equation, antonomasia, personification, and metaphors. The figure of speech include antifrasis, innuendo, satire, cynicism, sarcasm, and ironism.
This type of research is qualitative research with descriptive methods. The object of this research is the Bako novel by Darman Moenir. This research is focused on the Minangkabau locality in the Bako novel by Darman Moenir. Data collection techniques carried out in a way by reading and taking notes. Data analysis is carried out by means of: (1) classifying data that has been identified according to narrators and characters in the Bako novel by Darman Moenir, (2) describing data relating to the Minangkabau locality in the Bako novel by Darman Moenir, (3) interpreting the analysis results the data that has been described, (4) describes the function of the use of the Minangkabau locality in the Bako Novel by Darman Moenir, and (5) conclusions from the results of the Minangkabau locality in the Bako novel by Darman Moenir. The object of this research is the Bako novel by Darman Moenir.
The research findings show that in the Bako novel by Darman Moenir there are two figure of speech: (1) a comparison of 15 data, including: (a) 8 data metaphors, for example in mencoreng arang yang melekat di kening, (b) sinekdoke 2 data, for example in hutang emas dibayar emas, (c) personification 1 data, for example in perkawinan itu tidak berumur panjang, (d) antonomasia 1 data, for example si Eten, si Busuk, and (e) alusio 3 data, for example in lamak dek awak, katuju dek urang (2) satire of as much as 5 data, including: (a) cynicism of 1 data, for example in suaminya yang kedua ini tak rela beristri kalau tidak lebih dari satu orang, and (b) sarcasm 4 data, for example the word tumbuang (3) figure of speech in the Bako novel serves to increase the taste of the reader, convince the reader, create a certain mood, and to strengthen the effect on ideas. Based on research that has been done before, among other research, (1) Mila Kurnia Sari (2013) on the Sajak Mangkutak di Negeri Prosaliris, (2) Rio Rinaldi (2015), on short stories of Hasrat Membunuh by Yusrizal KW, (3) Rio Rinaldi (2016), to the short story of Penari dari Kuraitaji by Free Hearty , (4) Rio Rinaldi and Romi Isnanda (2016), to novels by Wisran Hadi", (5) Rio Rinaldi (2017), on the Tonil Sabai Nan Aluih Manuscript of Sutan Sati, (6) Hasnul Fikri (2017), on the figure of speech Minangkabau locality in Carito Minang Kini by Hakimah Rahman S in Padang Ekspres, (7) Rio Rinaldi (2018), it can be understood that Minangkabau authors tend to use indirect disclosure (figure of speech) in creating a literary work. On the other hand, Minangkabau authors also strive to bring out the sense of locality through the exploration of the ecological environment.
Based on research findings, the dominant figure of speech form of comparision is metaphor, while the dominant form of satire is sarcasm. Meanwhile, the dominant function of figure of speech is the strengthen the effect on ideas, that is to impress the reader on the ideas conveyed in his work. Based on the results of this research it is recommended to:(1) students to better understand the style of language especially the Minangkabau locality in a literary work, so that it can contribute to insight, knowledge in appreciating local culture, such as language, uniqueness of an ethnic group, and can also enrich students towards the diversity of world perspectives of an ethnic group; (2) the teacher should pay more attention to the learning media, especially in appreciating local color novels, and giving students an understanding of the locality in which they live; and (3) other researchers, it is hoped that the results of this study can be continued by using different theories and studies, such as social values, moral values, character traits, and literary ecology.
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