Development of Science Learning Module with Deductive Approach for Class III of SD Negeri 11 Lubuk Jantan
The aim of national education is essentially to form a complete Indonesianhuman being as stated in the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 20 of 2003 article 3,
concerning the National Education System, the explanation of the National
Education Law, can be interpreted that in fact the government through the law
emphasizes the importance of developing the potential of students in the learning
process. Educational goals can be achieved depending on the learning process in
which there are learning components namely curriculum, teacher, learning
material, evaluation and students. Science is human knowledge about natural
phenomena and material obtained by observation, experiment / research, or trial
based on the results of human observations using observation tools. In developing
learning modules an approach is needed, one approach that can be used is the
deductive approach. The development model used in this study is a 4-D approach
that is define, design, develop and disseminate which is modified into 3-D,
namely define, design, develop.
Based on the research conducted in class III SD Negeri 11 Lubuk Jantan,
data obtained from module validity obtained from expert lecturers were obtained
by two people. In addition to data validity, the researcher also obtained module
practicality data obtained from teachers and class III students.
The results of the data obtained are then analyzed, the two data are data validity
and practicality. The validity of the module obtained from the validator in general
is 3.6 with a very valid category. Based on aspects assessed on didactic aspects
obtained an average of 3.6, the construction aspect is 3.7, and the technical
aspects are 3.7.
Furthermore, the researcher obtained a module practicality score from
91% with a very practical category, aside from educators the researchers also
obtained module practicality data from students with an average percentage of
91% in a very practical category.
Keywords: module, science, deductive, validity, practicality