Inductive Learning Module Development for Inductive Based Class V at SD Negeri 07 Lubuk Jantan Tanah Datar
Education is a learning for students to be able to understand and think critically in the learning process. According to the Act Number. Article 20 of 2003 concerning National Education System states that education is a conscious and planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning process so that students actively develop their potential. The purpose of education occurs because of the learning process carried out by means of interaction between teacher and students, both direct interactions such as face to face or indirectly, one of which uses a variety of learning media such as learning modules. One of the subjects that can be applied in the learning module is IPS. In developing learning modules an approach is needed, one approach that can be used is an inductive approach.The study used a development model carried out in class V at SD Negeri Lubuk Jantan Lintau Buo Tanah Datar with 16 students. Data validity in this study was validated by 2 expert experts namely material experts and design experts. While for practicality data in this study obtained by teachers and students.
The results showed that the Social Sciences learning module with an inductive approach by two experts obtained very valid with an average score of 3.9, with didactic category requirements with a score of 3.9, construction category requirements with a score of 4.0 and technical category requirements with score of 3.9. The results of practicality by teachers are categorized as very practical with an average value of 93% and categorized as very practical by students with an average of 91%.
From the results of the data obtained it can be concluded that the IPS learning module with an inductive approach is developed valid and practical. So that it can be used in teaching materials in learning in the fifth grade of elementary school.
Keywords: module, social studies, inductive, validity, practicality