Development of Picture and Picture Based Science Learning Module for Class IV SD 28 Karang Pauh Pasar Baru
Educational objectives can be achieved depending on the learning process in which there is a learning component, namely curriculum, teacher, learning material, evaluation and students. The purpose of this study was to produce a Natural Science Module (IPA) based on picture and picture on animal life cycle material for grade IV grade IV students of SDN 28 Karang Pauh Pasar Baru fulfilling valid and practical criteria. In developing teaching materials in the form of a picture and picture based module. picture and picture is a series of delivery of material by showing concrete images to students so students can understand clearly about the intrinsic meaning of teaching material delivered to him. This development model is a 4-D development model consisting of the stages of defining, designing, developing and disseminating which have been modified into 3-D consisting of three stages and through revision by expert lecturers. . Based on research conducted in class IV SD 28 Karang Pauh Pasar Baru, the validity of the module data obtained from two expert lecturers was obtained. In addition to the validity data the researcher also obtained module practicality data obtained from the teacher and grade IV students. The results of the data that have been obtained are then analyzed, the two data are validity and practicality data. The validity of science learning modules based on picture and picture on animal life cycle material for class IV SD Negeri 28 Karang Pauh Pasar Baru which has been developed with validity by material experts is 3.78 and validity by design experts is 3.41 then the average of the two The validator is 3.60 already showing that the picture and picture-based IPA module developed is valid. Furthermore, researchers obtained module practicality scores from 93% teachers with a very practical category, apart from educators the researchers also obtained module practicality data from students with an average percentage of 90% with very practical categories. From the results of this study it can be concluded that the science and picture based learning modules produced are very valid and practically used in science learning. So that it can be used in science learning in grade IV elementary school. can add knowledge and insights about the implementation of learning through science and picture based learning modules on animal life cycle material for class IV SD Negeri 28 Karang Pauh Pasar Baru. Keywords: module, science, picture and picture, validity, practicality##submission.downloads##