Influence Of Learning Model Time Token to Result of Study Bahasa Indonesia Student of Class V at SDN 28 Batang Anai Kecamatan Batang Anai
Indonesian is one of the most interesting lessons taught in elementary schools. According to (Santoso, 2011: 5.18) language learning is "the process of providing language learning stimulation to students in an effort students achieve language skills "Therefore, speaking must be immediately mastered by students in Elementary Schools (SD) because these skills are directly related to the whole process of student learning, especially in Indonesian subjects. The success of student learning in following the process of teaching and learning activities in schools in Indonesian learning subjects, is very much in line with the right models and methods taught by a teacher in teaching such learning which will later make the children's speaking skills better and also the learning outcomes will be better Based on this background, researchers are interested in conducting research with the title Effect of Time Token Learning Model on Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes Grade V SDN 28 Batang Anai. This research is an experimental research Posttest-Only Control Design. The results showed that there was an Effect of Time Token Learning Model on Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes Class V Students of SDN 28 Batang Anai The average results of speaking skills of students in the experimental class amounted to 89.00 in the class control 67.07 with the hypothesis test level obtained tcount> ttable where 3.90 > 2.032 thus the H1 work hypothesis is accepted and Ho is rejected, as evidenced by the significant level (a) = 0.05 this means there are significant differences in the results of students' speaking skills who use the Time Token learning model on the results of learning to speak in Indonesian subjects in class V SDN 28 Batang Anai. it can be concluded that the learning model Effects of Time Token Learning Model Against Indonesian Language Learning Class V SDN 28 Batang Anai.Keywords: time token, Indonesian learning outcomes, and experiments