Development of Realistic Mathematic Education Based Learning Module in Mathematics Learning for Class IV Students of SDN 28 Karang Pauh
Mathematics is a discipline that is studied in an organized manner. Mathematical concepts are arranged systematically starting from the simplest concepts to the most complex concepts. Students' understanding of mathematics needs to be shaped since elementary school because it will be needed at the next level. If students do not understand mathematical concepts learned in elementary schools, it is feared that students will be constrained in understanding mathematics at the next level. This makes mathematics difficult and feared. Though mathematics has an important role in shaping the mindset to be critical, logical, and systematic. Mathematics learning is a teaching and learning process that is built by the teacher to develop students 'thinking creativity that can enhance students' thinking abilities, and can improve their ability to construct new knowledge in an effort to increase good authority on mathematics. One of the most effective approaches used in learning is the Realistic approach known as Realistic Mathematic Education. The development model used in this research is the define stage, the design phase, the develop phase and the dissemination stage which are modified to 3-D, which are define, design, develop.Based on research that has been done in class IV SD Terror 28 Karang Pauh obtained data from the module validity obtained from two expert lecturers and one teacher. In addition to the validity data the researcher also obtained module practicality data obtained from the teacher and grade IV students.
Furthermore, the researcher obtained the module practicality score from the teacher 95% with a very practical category, apart from the research educator also obtained module practicality data from students with an average percentage of 86.4% with a very practical category.
Keywords: module, mathematics, Realistic Mathematic Education, validity,