Improving Student Mathematics Learning Outcomes by Using the Complex Instirction Type Cooperative Leaming Model in-Class IV SDN 04 Pasar Ambacan
This research is motivated by the value of mathematics learning outcomes of fourthgrade students is still much below the KKM value of 75 and the learning methods used by
mathematics teachers are still teacher centered. The low student leaming outcomes require
teachers to improve the learning process, one way by applyng the complex Instruction
Type Coop..utir" Leaming Moiel'. The purpose oi this.class action research is to describe
tt e imp.orement in class IV student learning outcomes i" th: cognitive level of knowledge
(C1) in mathematics learning using the Complex Instruction type cooperative leaming
model at SDN 04 Pasar Ambacang.
This type of research is classroom action research. The subjects of the study were
grade IV students at sDN 04 Pasar Ambacang. This research data in the form of
information about the action result data obtained from observations, observations of teacher
activity and the final test of leaming for 2 cycles
The results of the study tliat 1) Improvement of student leaming outcomes in
mathematic's learning by using ihe Complex lnstruction cooperative learning model at SDN
04 pasar Ambacangiy"t" t oi uu"rug" Ly 72.55 increased in cycle II to 83-40. 2) Increased
teacher activity inhanaging learning frbm cycle I to cycle II, this can be seen from the
percentage of teacher u"tiuity in cycle I on averag e by 50ot'o increasing in cycle II to
The results of this siudy can be concluded that the use of the Complex Instruction
type cooperative learning model can improve mathematics learning outcomes of Grade IV
SDN 04 pasar Ambu"ig students. It is recommended that teachers use the Complex
Instruction type cooperatiie leaming model in an effort to improve mathematics learning
outcomes of Grade fV students.
Keyrrvords: Mathematics Learning Outcomes, Complex Instruction Type Cooperative
Learning lviodel