The Effect of thePicture and Picture Model on Learning Model on Learning Outcomes of Writing Skills in Indonesian Language Subjects Class III Students at SD Negeri 16 Surau Gadang


  • Atika Mandela
  • Wirnita Eska
  • Syafni Gustina Sari


Learning is the process of student interaction with educators and learning resources in a learning environment. In general, teachers only use conventional learning. Conventional learning that is intended here is a learning model that is familiar and is often used by teachers in the learning process in class. To overcome these problems, researchers will use the Picture and Picturemodel in Indonesian Language subjects for fifth grade students of SD Negeri 15 Sontang Pasaman. Based on this, the researcher is interested in conducting an experimental research entitled "The Effect of the Picture and Picture Model on Learning Model on Learning Outcomes of Writing Skills in Indonesian Language Subjects Class III Students at SD Negeri 16 Surau Gadang. ". Type of research is experimental research with the design "Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design.". The independent variables in this study are the Group Investigation learning model and the conventional learning model, while the dependent variable is the ability to read in Indonesian subjects. The population in this study were all fifth grade students of SDN 16 Surau Gadang in the 2018/2019 school year consisting of 2 classes. The sample in this study was 30 students in class III.A and 30 students in class III.B were 30 students. The technique in sampling is by using random sampling. The data taken in this study are the results of learning to read in Indonesian students cognitive domains obtained through the final test in an objective form. The results showed the average value of the experimental class was higher than the control class (the experimental class the average value of 78,5 and the control class the average value of70,2). In t-test, the price of tcount>t (0.05; 30) (2,24>2,00) with a level (α = 0.05) then the H1 hypothesis is accepted. Based on the explanation above, it can be conclud that the learning model of Picture and Picture affects the learning outcomes of Writing Skillsin Indonesian Language subjects for fifth grade students of SDN 16 Surau Gadang. Thus, the Picture and Picture learning model is expected to be used in the learning process to have a better influence on student learning outcomes. Keywords : Picture and Picture learning model, Indonesian learning outcomes, Writing Skills


