The Effect of Jigsaw Learning Model on the Results of Listening Skills in Indonesian Language Learning for Grade V Students of SDN 24 Jati Gaung Padang
Indonesian is one of the most interesting lessons taught in elementary schools. According to ( Santoso, 2014:1.20) states Indonesian language learning is the process of learning students to gain new knowledge, skills and attitudes that grow when an individual interacts with information and the environment. Therefore the author intends to conduct research with the title "The Effect of Jigsaw Model learning model on the results of listening skills in fifth grade Indonesian Language learners.In the process of learning Indonesian in school, teachers should be able to organize conducive Indonesian learning, which is meaningful and enjoyable for students in learning. The use of models in the learning process has significant significance. The model is a tool to help students in the learning process and understand learning more easily.Based on this background researchers are interested in conducting research with the title Effect of the Jigsaw Model on the Results of Listening Skills in Indonesian Language Learning Class V Sd Negeri 24 Jati Gaung Padang.This type of research is experimental research that prioritizes student learning outcomes. The research variable is basically everything that is formed what is determined by the researcher to be studied in order to obtain information about it. The results of the study indicate that there is an influence of the Jigsaw Learning Model on the Results of Listening Skills in Indonesian Language Learning for Class V Students of SDN 24 Jati Gaung Padang.
The average results of students' speaking skills in the experimental class was 89.00 in the control class 76.42 with the hypothesis test level obtained ttable where 4.83 > 2.068 thus the hypothesis of H1 work was accepted and Ho was rejected, as evidenced by the significant level (a ) = 0.05 this means that there is a significant difference in the results of listening skills of students who use the Jigsaw learning model on the results of listening skills in Indonesian Language subjects for fifth grade students of SD Ga 24 Jati Gaung Padang.
It can be concluded that the learning model The Effect of Jigsaw Learning Model Against the Results of Listening Skills in Indonesian Language Learning Class V SDN 24 Jati Gaung Padang Students.
Keywords: Indonesian, Jigsaw, Listening Skills Results