Development of Scientific Module Based on Scientific Material Adaptation of Living Things with Their Environment in Class V Students of SDN 20 Kalumbuk Padang
Executive SummaryWilson, Lidya Andri Yeni. 2019. Development of Scientific Module Based on Scientific Material Adaptation of Living Things with Their Environment in Class V Students of SDN 20 Kalumbuk Padang, Bung Hatta University
Counselor: 1. Dr.Erman Har, M.Si
2. Ira Rahmayuni, S.Si, M.Pd
National education functions to develop the ability and shape of dignified national character and civilization in order to educate the life of the nation which aims to develop the potential of students, to be human beings who are faithful and devoted to God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become a democratic and responsible citizen. Natural Sciences is one of the main subjects in the education curriculum in Indonesia, including at the elementary school level. Teachers in the education system play an important role in improving the quality of education. Develop a module using the Contextual Teaching and Learning approach to maximize students' understanding and also so that students can learn independently with developed modules. The research approach used in this study is a 4-D approach. With this approach consists of 4 stages of development, namely define, design, develop, and disseminate or be adapted to the 4-P approach, namely definition, design, development and dissemination.
Based on research that has been carried out in class V SD Negeri 20 Kalumbuk Padang obtained data about the validity of modules obtained from expert lecturers as many as two people. In addition to obtaining data regarding validity, researchers also obtained data on the practicality of the developed modules obtained from a teacher and thirty-one third-grade students.
Based on the results of the data obtained by researchers analyzed two data, namely data validity and practicality. In the validity of the module the researcher obtained module validation which the validator considered in general was 85% with the Valid category. From the aspect assessed, the average percentage of content eligibility is 83,3%, language aspect and readability 85%, presentation aspect 88.3%, and graphic aspect 83.3%.
Then the researcher obtained a score from the practicality of a teacher's module which is 93.9% with very practical criteria. From the assessed aspects, the average percentage of user convenience aspects is 90%, the aspect of learning effectiveness is 100%, and the benefit aspect is 91.7%.
Apart from the teacher the researcher also obtained module practicality data from thirty-one students, with an average practicality of 91.05% modules and very practical categories. From the aspect assessed, the average percentage of students' interest aspect is 92,89%, the process aspect of use is 90,95%, the aspect of student activeness is 93,26%, the aspect of time available is 93,26%, and the aspect of evaluation is 90.95 %
kywords: IPA Module, saintifik.