Pramita, Hilda. 2019. Development of Civic Education Learning Module Based on Constructivism Approach in the Material byMaking of National and Regional Level Legislation for Class V at SDN 34 Durian Gadang.
Advisors: 1. Drs. H. Yusrizal,. M.Si
2. Rona Taula Sari, S.Si,. M.Pd
In the teaching and learning process, there are many factors that influence the achievement of learning objectives, including: educators, students, the environment, methods / techniques, teaching materials and learning media. One way that can be used by educators in supporting the delivery of material that will be delivered to students during the learning process in class is to use a learning module based on a valid and practical constructivism approach in the material by making of national and regional level legislation in civic education. Civic education is a democratic education that aims to prepare citizens to think critically and act democratically, through the activity of instilling awareness in the new generation, that democracy is a form of community life that guarantees the rights of citizens. The type of this research is a development research (Development and Resesarch (R&D)). Researchers modify this development model with a 3-D development model that consists of three stages and through revision of experts, namely defining, designing, and developing.
Based on research that has been done in class V at SDN 34 Durian Gadang data obtained about module validity obtained from design expert lecturers and material validity from elementary school teachers with teaching experience. The researcher also obtained data on the practicality of the module developed which was obtained from a teacher and eleven fifth grade students.
In the validity of the module, the researcher obtained the module validation which was evaluated as a validator in general was 3.59 with a very valid category. Then, the researchers obtained a score from the results of the practicality of the module by educators namely with a score of 89.5% with very practical criteria. Other than educators, researchers obtained module practicality data from eleven students, with an average module practicality of 93% with a very practical category. From the results of this research, it can be concluded that the civic education learning module based on the constructivism approach produced is very valid and practically used in civic education learning. So that it can be used in civic education learning in class V at SDN 34 Durian Gadang.
Keywords: Civic Education Module, Constructivism Approach