Development of Snakes and Ladders Game Media In Science Class III in Elementary School 45 Kalumbuk
goal of self-reliance. According to the National Education system No. 20 of 2003Chapter 1 Article 1 outlines "education is a conscious and planned effort to create an
atmosphere of learning and learning process so that students actively develop their potential
to have spiritual, religious, self-control, intelligence, noble character and the skills needed by
himself, the people, the Nation and the State. Natural science subjects (IPA) are compulsory
subjects that are in the level of Indonesian formal education which are included in the
national education curriculum. Natural science (IPA) is very important to learn because it is
an education about living things that exist on earth. This type of research used in this research
is Research and Development (R&D). This learning media development model uses the
ADDIE (Analysis Design, Development Implementation and Evaluation) model which is
modified to ADDI (Analysis Design, Development Implementation).
Data collection was carried out in class III SD 45 Kalumbuk obtained data from the validity
of the media by two experts. In addition to data validity researchers also obtained data on
media practicality obtained from teachers and third grade students.
The results of the data obtained are then analyzed, the two data are validity data and
practicality data. Media validity obtained from the validator in general with a percentage of
86% valid category. Based on aspects assessed in the technical aspects of 85%, aesthetic
aspects of 81.25%, didactic aspects of 87.5%, construction aspects of 90%.
Furthermore, researchers obtained a score of media practicality from the teacher 93% with a
very practical category, apart from the teacher the researcher also obtained data on the
practicality of the media from students with an average percentage of 94% of the very
practical category.
Keywords: Snake ladder media, Valid, Practical