The Effect of Think Pair Share Cooperative Learning Model on Social Learning Outcomes of Grade VI Students of SDN 29 Ulak Karang Utara Padang.
Dona Risnawati 2019. The Effect of Think Pair Share Cooperative Learning Model on Social Learning Outcomes of Grade VI Students of SDN 29 Ulak Karang Utara Padang. Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Bung Hatta University.
Supervisor: 1. Drs. Yusrizal, M.Si
2. Arlina Yuza, S.Pd., M.Pd
Social Sciences (IPS) is a science that studies various social science disciplines and basic human activities that are scientifically packaged in order to provide insight and deep understanding to students, especially at the basic level. Social studies is a guide to the choice of Social Sciences concepts such as history, geography, economics, anthropology, culture and so on which are intended as learning at the school level. Sapriya, et al. (2006: 3) which explains that "Social studies are simplified social science learning for learning at the school level". In general teachers only use conventional learning. Where in this model teachers tend to explain the material with lectures and end with assignments. To overcome these problems teachers need to use active learning models during the learning process, the researchers are interested in conducting an experimental study titled Think Pair and Share on social studies subjects in class VI SDN 29 Ulak Karang Utara. Based on this, the researchers conducted an experimental study with the title "The Effect of Think Pair and Share Cooperative Learning Model on Social Studies Outcomes of Grade VI Students of SDN 29 Ulak Karang Utara Padang"
This type of research is an experimental research with think pair share learning model with a population of all students in grade VI SDN 29 Ulak Karang Utara academic year 2018/2019, the sample in this study is class VI C as an experimental class and class VI B as a control class. The independent variable in this study is the think pair share learning model, the dependent variable is the IPS learning outcomes. The way to take the sample is by using random sampling technique.
The average experimental class is higher than the average value of the control class. The average value of the experimental class is 81.8 with the highest value of 96 and the lowest value of 66 while the average value of the control class is 75 with the highest value of 93 and the lowest value of 60. After analyzing the data and testing hypotheses on learning outcomes, the significance value is obtained of 0.021 which means that the significance value is less than 0.05. Thus the hypothesis of students' social learning outcomes taught by using think pair share learning models is better than using conventional learning. Based on the grades obtained by students, it can be seen that the grades of students in the experimental class who reached KKM were as many as 14 people or 73.6% of 19 students. While the value of students in the control class who reached KKM only 9 people or 45% of 20 students who took the test. Thus learning by using think pair share cooperative learning models has been proven statistically and can answer the problems in this study so that the H1 hypothesis can be accepted.
Keywords: type of think pair share, learning outcomes, social studies.