The effect of the cooperative script model on student speaking learning outcomes in geade III Indonesian subjects in public elemntary school 11 Kurao Pagang Padang
Executive Summary
Sa’adah, Viona Aurora. 2019. The effect of the cooperative script model on student speaking learning outcomes in geade III Indonesian subjects in public elemntary school 11 Kurao Pagang Padang, elementary school teacher education essay, faculty of teacher training and education, Bung Hatta university.
Advisor: Dr. YettyMorelent, M.Hum
Daswarman, S.T., M.Pd
Indonesian is a compulsory subject at the elementary school level, because language is the most impotrant capital for humans. According to Susanto (2013:242), “learning indonesian, especially in elementary school, will not be able to separated from the four skills, that is listning, speaking, writing, reading”. Teachers generally tend to use conventional learning. Convensional learning meant is learning models that are often used by teachers in the learning proces. To overcome that problem, therefore researcher is interested in coducting research entiteld “The effect of the cooperative script model on student speaking learning outcomes in geade III Indonesian subjects in public elemntary school 11 Kurao Pagang Padang”
The type of research is experiment research, by using research designs free test-post test control group design. Independent variable of this research is cooperative script model, and dependent variable of this research is indonesian learn ing outcomes. The population in this research is all grade III students of public elementary school 11 Kurao Pagang Padang, 2018/2019, the sampling technique is to use jenuh-total sampling, which consists of 2 classes (experiment and countrol). The data in this research were obtained from assessment rubric speak, students free test and post test scors.
Assessment results indicate the average value of the experiment class is higher than the control class (the average value of the experiment class is 55,6, and control class is 51,4), a statistical test thitung> from the table (5,2>2,01) with level (α=0,05) then the H1 hypotesis is accepted.
From the results it can be concluded that coperative script model influences the speaking learning outcomes indonesian subjects in public elemntary school 11 Kurao Pagang Padang.
Therefore cooperative sript model is expected to be used in the learning process to provide a better influence on stident learning outcomes.
Keyword: cooperative script, learning outcomes, indonesian langague.