Literary works are fiction based on the writer's imagination based on experience, problems, insights, and assessments of various events, both real or not. In the novel, the writer conveys the message and purpose to the reader so that he can feel the benefits novels of the story presented including about motivation. Bidadari untuk Dewa by Asma Nadia delivered motivation to satisfy needs, such as physiological needs, security needs, compassion needs, appreciation needs, self-actualization needs. Formerly there have been several researchers who are analyzed about motivation as, Andri Ertanto (2014) and Emma Fitriyani (2017) but about different novels. This research aims to describe motivation to meet the needs of the main character in the novel Bidadari untuk Dewa by Asma Nadia.
According to Atmazaki (2007) literature is beauty or literature that could be called a beautiful work. Literature are based on the imaginative or fictional nature of the work. Nurgiyantoro (2010) states that, in general, various elements can be grouped into two parts, namely intrinsic and extrinsic. The elements are the events, plots, characterizations, themes, settings, perspectives, story line, and language style, while extrinsic elements such as religious values and motivation are present in a novel. Uno (2015) states that motivation is an encouragement that is in a person to try to make changes in behavior that is better in meeting their needs. Albertine Minderop (2011) states that humans are driven by universal needs that are carried from birth which are arranged in a level from the strongest to the weakest that is physiological needs, security needs, compassion needs, appreciation needs, and self-actualization needs.
The type of this research used qualitative research with descriptive methods. The data of this research are in the form of quotations of words that describe the motivation of the main character of Bidadari untuk Dewa by Asma Nadia published by KMO Publishing in 2017 consists of 528 pages. The data source is the novel Bidadari untuk Dewa by Asma Nadia. Data collection techniques are reading, marking, take notes, and copying data into table form. The analysis of techniques are (1) identifying data related to motivation in the novel Bidadari untuk Dewa by Asma Nadia, (2) classifying data related to motivation, (3) interpreting data which has been grouped according to theoretical concepts as references , (4) specifies the multilevel needs found in the Bidadari untuk Dewa by Asma Nadia.
Based on data analysis it is found that motivation exists to provide level needs of the novel Bidadari untuk Dewa by Asma Nadia. First, to provide physiological needs, a main character used various ways like selling chicken feet. Second, to provide safety needs, a main characters try various ways to avoid several threat by reaching out for help God. Third, to provide the needs of affection, the main character tries various ways such as convincing Haura's heart to accept him as her husband. Fourth, to provide the needs of appreciation for the his ability, Dewa tried to get an appreciation from his boss. Fifth, to provide the needs of self-actualization, the main character tries various ways such as selling his own book and it makes Dewa happy. In the novel Bidadari untuk Dewa the dominant appearance is motivation in self or internal. It was almost the same as the research conducted by Andri Ertanto (2014) with the title motivation in novels Ayahku Bukan Pembohong and novel Pasung Jiwa by Emma Fitriyani (2017) the dominant one appears. So, novels Bidadari untuk Dewa by Asma Nadia with Ayahku Bukan Pembohong by Tere Liye and the novel Pasung Jiwa by Okky Madasari both emphasizes internal motivation in meeting the needs of characters.
This research can be used as a reference for students to be able to add insight to students by reading novels about motivation can make students more motivated to learn and can be a reference for teachers one of them being literary teaching materials especially novels. Other researchers are advised to analyze literary works related to multilevel needs or to examine Bidadari untuk Dewa novels with different aspects such as character values and educational values.Referensi
Atmazaki.2007. Theory and Applied Literature. Padang: UNP Press.
Ertanto, Andri.2014. "Motivation Aspects in Novel Ayahku Bukan Pembohong by Tere Liye' Work: An Overview of Psychological Literature and Its Implementation as Literature Teaching Material in High Schools" . Scription. University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
Fitriyani, Ema. 2017. "Self Actualization of Sasana in Pasung Jiwa Novel by Okky Madasari and Its Implementation as Literature Teaching Material in High School". Scription. Syarif Hidayattullah State Islamic University.
Minderop, Albertine. 2011. Psychology of Literature. Jakarta: Indonesian Torch Library Foundation.
Nadia, Asma.2017. Angel for Gods. Cirebon: KMO Publishing.
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