The Effect of Application of Cooperative Script Learning Model on Social Studies Learning Outcomes of Grade V Students of SD Negeri 35 Parak Karakah, Padang City
Education is a process of human interaction between education and students' subjects to achieve educational goals. The process takes place in certain environments using a variety of actions called educational tools.Wahidmurni (2017: 17) states that "Social Sciences are subjects that are sourced from the social life of the people who are selected by using social science concepts that are used for learning purposes". The use of learning models in the learning process has significant significance. The learning model is a plan or concept to help students in the learning process and understand learning easily. By using models in learning, will help eliminate the boredom of students in receiving lessons. One way is to use Cooperative Script learning models in social studies learning.
This type of research is an experimental research design "Post-test-only control design". The sample in this study were 24 VA class students and 21 VB class students. The technique in sampling is by total sampling. The data taken in this study are cognitive learning outcomes of cognitive domain students obtained through the final test in an objective form.
The results showed the average value of the experimental class was higher than the control class (the experimental class the average value of 82.3 and the control class an average value of 76.4). In statistical test the price of tcount> t (0.05; 43) (2.11> 2.02) with a level (α = 0.05) then the H1 hypothesis is accepted.
From these data it can be concluded that the Cooperative Script learning model influences the learning outcomes of fifth grade students in social studies learning at SD Negeri 35 Parak Karakah, Padang. Thus the Cooperative Script learning model is expected to be used in the learning process to have a better influence on student learning outcomes.
Keywords: Cooperative Script, learning outcomes, social studies.