The Influence of Numbered Head Together Learning Model on Social Studies Learning Outcomes of Grade V Students at SD Negeri 01 Koto Merapak Pesisir Selatan
Executive Summary
Hasanah, Della Meidi. 2019. The Influence of Numbered Head Together Learning Model on Social Studies Learning Outcomes of Grade V Students at SD Negeri 01 Koto Merapak Pesisir Selatan. Thesis Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.
Advisor: Dra. Pebriyenni, M.Si.
Yulfia Nora, S.Pd, M.Pd.
IPS is one of the compulsory subjects given at the elementary school level. According to Susanto (2014: 137-138) "Social Sciences are the sciences that study various social and humanities disciplines as well as basic human activities that are scientifically packaged in order to provide insight and deep understanding to students, especially at the elementary and secondary levels ". In general, teachers only use conventional learning. Conventional learning meant here is that the learning process tends to be monotonous, not varied, and learning is still centered on the teacher and uses the lecture method, so students are less active in the teaching and learning process. To overcome these problems researchers will use the Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model which is expected to later be able to solve the problems contained in social studies. Based on this, the researchers are interested in conducting experimental research with the title "The Effect of Cnumbered Head Together Learning Models Against Results Studying Social Studies Grade V Students of SD Negeri 01 Koto Merapak Pesisir Selatan ”
This type of research is Experimental Research. The independent variable in this study is the Numbered Head Together learning model while the dependent variable is the result of social studies learning. The population in this study were all fifth grade students of SDN 01 Koto Merapak Pesisir Selatan in the 2019/2020 school year consisting of 2 classes. The sample in this study were 25 students in class V.A and students in class V.B were 21 students. The technique in sampling is by random sampling. In this study used instruments in the form of learning outcomes tests, amounting to 20 objective questions. After the data is collected from the results of data collection, the next step is to process the data or analyze the test data for normality, homogeneity and hypothesis.
The results showed the average value of the experimental class was higher than the control class (the experimental class averaged 76.4, and the control class an average value of 65.2). In statistical tests the price of tcount> t (0.05; 44) (3.29> 2.016) with a level (α = 0.05) then the H1 hypothesis is accepted.
From these data it can be concluded that the Numbered Head Together learning model influences the learning outcomes of fifth grade students in social studies learning at SDN 01 Koto Merapak Pesisir Selatan. Thus the Numbered Head Together learning model is expected to be used in the learning process to have a better influence on student learning outcomes.
Keywords: Numbered Head Together, learning outcomes, IPS