
  • Hayenita Oktavia
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • M. Sayuti


The rapid development of science and technology has influenced various aspects of life, one of which is including education. Education is demanded to develop so that it can adjust to the environmental conditions of students. The development of education certainly aims to improve the quality of education itself. So,the quality of education is supported by learning process. AccordingMenteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan no. 22 tahun 2016 in accordance with the competency standards of graduates and the standard content of learning principles used, one of which is the use of information and communication technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of learning.Based on  observations results observations at school, teachers usually use conventional methods which make the in students bored and tend not to be eager to follow the learning process and ultimately result in unsatisfactory student midterm results. For learning to achieve educational goals, teachers need to use learning media that are interesting and effective. The use of good and effective of learning media is expected to be able to encourage a learning skill so that students actively develop their potential. The research development media has been carried out by researcher, such as (1) Hasnul Fikri (2017) and (2) Willa Sisti M (2018) but with different objects. The purpose of this study is to describe the procedures for developing audiovisual fiction and nonfiction based learning media for grade VIII SMP Negeri1Patamuan and develop a valid, practical, and effective audiovisual-based learning media on fiction and nonfiction books in gradeVIIISMP Negeri 1 Patamuan.

Learning media ware all things that can be used to relay messages from the sender to the receiver so as to stimulate the thoughts, feelings, attention, interests and wishes of students in such a way that the learning process occurs in order to achieve effectively the learning objectives (Zayniyati, 2017). According to Sanjaya (2017:211) viewed from its nature, the media is divided into auditive media, visual media, and audiovisual media. Audiovisual media is a type of media other than images that can be viewed, such as video recordings, various sizes of films, sound slides, and so on. The ability of this media is considered better and more interesting, because it contains both elements of auditive and visual media types. Nurgyantoro (2013:3) said, fiction is an imaginative work based on awareness and responsibility in terms of creativity as a work of art. According Mulyati, et al (2009: 132), the term writing is often associated with scientific ideas while essays are often associated with non-scientific. Thus, for the term fiction, a person tends to say as an essay, whereas for nonfiction writings people tend to say as a written work or writing.

The type of research was the of research development using 3D or 3P, namely the define , the design , and the development stage. The object of this research wereteachers and eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 1 Patamuan.Data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires and test questions. Research data analysis techniques are: (1) validity testy with a percentage, (2) practicality testy with a percentage, and (3) Testy of the media with an average value. The percentageresults are converted to a table of validity, practicality, and effectiveness.

The results of research was: First, learning media for audiovisual-based fiction and non-fiction learning books were produced for VIII grade SMP Negeri1Patamuan through the defining, the design, and the development stage. Second, the results of validity, practicality, and effectiveness are as follows: (1) in the aspect of validity, the media is category as being very valid with a value of 95.77% which shows that the media is worth testing, (2) the practicality value by the teacher is 98.09% (very practical) and by students in the small scale try-out is 91.72% (very practical) and in the limited scale try-out is 91.29% (very practical).so. that with this media the teacher can be helped to attract students' attention while being able to facilitate students in independent learning and or guided learning, and (3) this media is effective because the average score in the pretest of small-scale try-out is 56.6 (not good) and of the pretest in limited-scale try-out  is 55.95 (not good), after using the media the results of the post-test in small-scale try-out is 80.83 (good) and in the post-test in limited-scale try-out  is 84.74 (good). This means that in particular the development of audiovisual-based media in fact needs to be applied to students of grade VIII of SMP Negeri 1 Patamuan and in general the development of audiovisual-based media in fact needs to be applied at junior high schools.

For this reason, teachers are advised to use audiovisual-based learning media in learning, one of which is Indonesian language learning. For students it is recommended that this audiovisual-based learning media can be used as an alternative to independent learning, in groups, and or learning with teachers at school. For further researchers, it is suggested that this research can be perfected by conducting the disseminate stage.


Fikri, Hasnul. Pengembangan Multimedia Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Bernilai Pendidikan Karakter untuk Siswa Kelas V SD. Jurnal Puitika. 2017. Volume 11. no. 1.

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Sanjaya. 2017. Perencanaan & Desain Sistem Pembelajaran. Jakarta: Kencana.

Nurgiyantoro, Burhan. 2013. Teori Pengkajian Fiksi. Yogyakarata: Gajah Mada University Press.

Sisti, Willa. 2018. “Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Teks Biografi Berbasis Audiovisual Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Kabupaten Kerinci”. Skripsi. Padang: Universitas Bung Hatta.

Sugiyono. 2017. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekatan Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&B. Bandung: Alfabeta.

Zayniyati. 2017. Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis ITC Konsep dan Aplikasi pada Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam. Jakarta: Kencana.


