The Influences of Cooperative Learning Model Course Review Horay toward The Students’ learning outcomes in Mathematics Learning at The Third Grade Students of SDN 20 Dadok Tunggul Hitam
The of Mathematics learning is a process to be built by teacher for developing the students’ creativity in thinking which is able to improve students’ ability in thinking and good comprehending toward Mathematics. In contrast, based on the observation at SDN 20 Dadok, Tunggul Hitam, the model that was used by teacher in learning process was coventional learning, asking-answering questions, giving assignments. It made students’ creativity can be low. Thus, one of the solutions to improve students’ learning result, namely Course Review Horay Model in process mathematics learning.The design of this research was an experiment research. The population was a whole third students at SDN 20 Dadok Tunggu Hitam. They were 61 students which was divided into 2 groups classes. They were III A and III B. The researcher used technique of random sampling to determine an experiment class and a control class. It was gotten that III A as control class and III B as an experiment class. In this research, the data which analyzed was students’ score in Mathematics learning at cognitive aspect that had been collected by objective test.
In analyzing the data by using hypothesis test-t, it was gotten tcount = 2,34 and t(0,95:50) = 1,675 because tcount> ttabelthen hypothesis H1 was accepted and H0 declined. It meant that the Course Review Horay Model influenced the students’ result in Mathematics learning at third grade students of SDN 20 Dadok Tunggul Hitam.
Based on the research, it can be concluded that there was an influence toward cooperative learning model on course review horay method in Mathematics learning at third grade students of SDN 20 Dadok Tunggu Hitam. It made this model can be used and developed to reach better learning result at that school.
Key Words : Cooperative learning, Course Review Horay Model, Learning outcomes mathematics.