The Influence of the Use of Domino Game Learning Media on Simple Fractional Materials Against Student Learning Outcomes of Class III SD Negeri 23 Kinali
Learning is a process of interaction between students and teachers. Learning is essentially a process of interaction between students and their environment, so there is a change in behavior for the better (Mulyasa (in Kurniawati, 2016: 412)). Based on the results of observations in class III SD Negeri 23 Kinali it appears that mathematics learning is less attractive or conventional in nature without using media, many students pay less attention to the explanation of learning material from the teacher, less active students in teaching and learning in class, and in doing individual exercises many students cheat on their friends. Therefore the solution to improve student learning outcomes is to use the Domino Game learning media in the process of learning mathematics.This type of research is an experimental study with the population of this study is all students of class III SD Negeri 23 Kinali as many as 65 students who are divided into two classes, namely class IIIA and class IIIB. The sample in this study was conducted using the Total Sampling technique, and obtained class IIIA as an experimental class and IIIB as a control class. The data analyzed in this study are the results of learning mathematics on cognitive aspects which are collected through the Fill-in and Description tests.
The results of data analysis with the hypothesis test using t-test obtained tcount = 2.205 and t(0.05; 63) = 1.669. So tcount > t(0.05; 29) then the hypothesis is accepted that there is an influence of the use of Domino Game learning media on simple fraction material on the learning outcomes of Grade III SD Negeri 23 Kinali.
Based on the research results obtained, it can be concluded that there is an influence of the use of the Domino Game learning media on simple fraction material on student learning outcomes. For this reason the Domino Game learning media can be applied when implementing the mathematics learning process.
Keywords : Learning Media, Domino Games, Mathematics Learning Outcomes.