Scriptions. Influence Learning Model Student Facilitator and Explaining Learning results PKn in Class III SDN 32 Sungai Jaring Lubuk Basung.
Education is an important means to improve the quality of human resources in ensuring the sustainability of a nation. This research is based on observations in SDN 32 Sungai Jaring, Some of the problem include the implementation of learning take place the teacher does not use the media in the PKn learning process, so learning becomes monotonous and students become bored quickly in following the learning process. The teacher tends to after explaining the material with the lecture method then the teacher immediately assigns the assignment to the students, as a result many students do not answer the practice questions because the students do not understand the material described. Based on the results of interviews with class teachers, information was obtained that there were still many students who had not reached the KKM that had been determined by the school, which was 75. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect model learning of Student Facilitator and Explaining to result of study in PKn in class III Sungai Jaring Lubuk Basung.Citizenship Education is one of the existing field of study at the level of education, ranging from elementary school to college level. According to Shoimin (2014: 183) states that "the model of student facilitator learning and explaining is one of the lessons that emphasizes special structures designed to influence the interaction pattern of learners and has a goal to improve the mastery of the material".
The procedures in the Student Facilitator and Explaining learning model according to shoimin (2014:184), namely: 1. Teachers convey competencies to be achieved. 2. Teachers demonstrate or present an outline of learning material. 3. Teachers provide opportunities for students to explain to other students, for example through charts or concept maps. This can be done in turns or randomly. 4. The teacher concludes students' ideas or opinions. 5. Teacher explains all the material presented at that time. 5. Closing. Shoimin (2014: 184) Some of the advantages of Student Facilitator and Explaining include: 1. Making the material delivered more clearly and concretely. 2. Increase students absorption because learning is done by demonstration. 3. Train students to become teachers, because students give the opportunity to repeat the teacher's explanation that has been heard. 4. Encourage student motivation to be the best in explaining teaching material. 5. Knowing the ability of students to convey ideas or ideas. This research aims to determine the effect of the Student Facilitator and Explaining learning model on the learning outcomes of Civics in third grade students of SD Negeri 32 Sungai Jaring, Lubuk Basung District, Agam Regency. This type of
research is experimental research. The study design is randomized control group only design. The population of this study were all students of class III 32 Sungai Jaring Elementary School in the 2019/2020 school year. A total of 45 students were selected as samples determined by random sampling technique. Data collection techniques using the test. The instrument in this study was a test of student learning outcomes while the data analysis technique was using hypothesis testing, because the data were normally distributed and the variance was homogeneous. From the analysis of learning outcomes data the average value of the experimental class 81.42 and the average value of the control class 74.79 with a statistical test level (α = 0.05) obtained tcount = 2.085 and ttable = 2.017 means 〖t〗 _count> t_table , then the hypothesis H_ (1) is accepted. Based on these results it can be concluded that there is an influence of the Student Facilitator and Explaining learning model on the learning outcomes of Civics in third grade students at 32 Public Elementary School Sungai Jaring, Agam Regency. Student Facilitator and Explaining learning models have a positive impact on student learning outcomes PKn, it is recommended that teachers can use this learning model.The type of research used is experimental research with population of this research is all students of grade III SDN 32 Sungai Jaring as many as 45 students. Which is divided into two class namely class IIIA and class IIIB. Sampling technique in this research by random sampling, using random sampling technique obtained class IIIB as experiment class and IIIA as control class. The research instrument used is a test of learning outcomes. The data analysis technique of this research uses normality, homogeneity and hypothesis testing.
The results of this study have an experimental class average of 81.42 and an average value of control class 74.79 with a statistical test level (α=0,05) hypothesis testing shows that taccount= 2.085 and ttable= 2.017, so taccount>ttable so H1 is accepted, that the meaning is there influence of model learning Student Facilitator and Explaining to result of study PKn in class III Sungai Jaring.
Based on the research result of obtained, it can be concluded that there is influence of model learning of Student Facilitator and Explaining to result of study PKn in class III Sungai Jaring Lubuk Basung, Model learning Student Facilitator and Explaining learning model has a positive impact on students learning outcomes, so teachers should use this learning model.
Key Words : PKn, model learning of Student Facilitator and Explaining, result