The Effect of Experiential Learning Model on Learning Outcomes of PPKn Class IV SDN 28 Batang Anai Padang Pariaman
Citizenship Education (PPKn) are subjects that must be studied in schools and universities by every Indonesian citizen that aims to shape personality as good citizens, smart skilled, character and love the motherland. According to Susanto (2012: 225) Citizenship Education is a subject that is used as a vehicle to develop and preserve noble and moral values that are ingrained in the culture of the Indonesian nation. In general, teachers only use conventional learning such as lectures in PPKn learning and have not used innovative learning models, so there are some students who are less focused and less interested in following learning. In connection with these problems, one model that aims to develop children's thought processes and provide an experience that makes learning meaningful is the experiential learning model, the solution provided is to use the Experiential Learning model in learning PPKn students in class IV SD Negeri 28 Batang Anai Padang Pariaman.According to Majid (in Purwandari 2013: 92) experiential learning model is a learning model that activates learners to build knowledge and skills through direct experience. In the experiential learning model, the learning process takes place naturally in the form of activities students work and experience, not the transfer of knowledge from the teacher to students. The advantage of the experiential learning model is that students can increase involvement in problem solving and decision making and can increase responsibilities. If the advantages of this model are applied in practical learning activities, students can learn to take one decision from each problem solving. Based on this, the researcher is interested in conducting experimental research with the title "The Effect of Experiential Learning Models on Learning Outcomes of PPKn Grade IV Students at SDN 28 Batang Anai Padang Pariaman.
This type of research is an experiment with the randomized posstest only control group design. The independent variable in this study is the Experiential Learning model and the conventional learning model, while the dependent variable is the student learning outcomes of PPKn. The population in this study were all grade IV students of SDN 28 Batang Anai Padang Pariaman in the 2019/2020 school year consisting of 3 classes namely Class IVA, IVB and IVC. The samples taken in this study were 27 students of IVB class and 27 students of IVC because IV Class A was not permitted by the teacher to conduct research. The technique in sampling is by using random sampling. The data taken in this
study are the results of student PPKn learning obtained through the final test in an objective form.
The results showed the average value of the experimental class was higher than the control class (the experimental class averaged 84.67 and the control class an average value of 76.85). In statistical tests the price of t-count> t-table (3.12> 2.00) with a level (α = 0.05) then the hypothesis H1 is accepted.
From these data it can be concluded that the Experiential Learning model influences the learning outcomes of PPKn in class IV SDN 28 Batang Anai Padang Pariaman. Thus the Experiential Learning model can be applied to PPKn subjects.
Keywords: Experiential Learning, PPKn learning outcomes.