The Effect of Talking Stick Learning Model on Social Studies Learning Outcomes Class III of SD Negeri 08 Surau Gadang, Padang City
Social Sciences (IPS) which examines a variety of social and humanities disciplines as well as basic human activities that are scientifically packaged in order to provide insight and deep understanding to students, especially at elementary and secondary levels. Based on observations at SD Negeri 08 Surau Gadang Padang City, that in student learning is passive, students depend on explanations of the material conveyed by the teacher. Therefore, one solution to improve student learning outcomes by using the Talking Stick learning model in the social studies learning process.This type of research is an experimental study with a population of this study is all students in class III SDN 08 Surau Gadang as many as 37 students. Which is divided into two classes, namely class IIIA as a control class and IIIB as an experimental class. The data analyzed in this study were social studies learning score scores on cognitive aspects collected through objective tests.
The results of the analysis using the hypothesis test using the t-test, obtained tcount = 2.75 and ttable = 2.03, so tcount> ttable so that H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected which means that there is an Effect of Talking Stick Learning Model on Social Studies Learning Outcomes of Class III Public Elementary School 08 Surau Gadang.
Based on the research results obtained, it can be concluded that there is an effect of the Talking Stick Learning Model on Social Studies Learning Outcomes Class III of SD Negeri 08 Surau Gadang so that this model can be applied and developed to achieve optimal learning outcomes.
Keywords: Talking Stick Learning Model, Social Studies Learning Outcomes, Experiments